A lot of very smart people have written in questions and suggestions and I think a lot of them are very clever and worth sharing... and I'd like to add some of my own expansions on what I showed in the video. Like they say, 2 brains are better than 1.... it turns out several thousand brains are even better. This post will be REGULARLY EDITTED to add new ideas as they come in. I know it breaks the RSS model, but I don't want to make a new post for every new idea. Sorry.
LED arrays from security cameras - online stores sell IR LED arrays for night vision security cameras. These should work perfectly for the wiimote.
Gloves - gloves exactly like minority report are definitely do-able and probably a good idea for repeated use.
LEDs on fingers - instead of tape you can use LED lights and do this without the LED array. But, you effectively create IR pens similar to the WiimoteWhiteboard demo which means batteries on the glove too.
Pinching with thumb and forefinger - the wiimote does upto 4 points. So both left and right thumb and finger could be tagged with reflective tape or LEDs. The software needs to be smart about maintaining the correct association and recognizing pinches, but very do-able.
Tagging a wiimote and knunchuck - getting the spatial location of another wiimote and knunchuck using a wiimote and reflective tape is an idea VERY much worth exploring. Now you get bi-manual (two handed) positional input in addition to all the accelerometer data and buttons.
Tracking fingers on surfaces (instead of the air) - unless it's a rear projection surface, the tape will be facing the wrong way... though you might be able to put the tape on the back of the fingers and figure out some method of triggering input. That said, it'll probably work well on a rear projection surface. You may need to offset the view angle of the wiimote so the support glass/acrylic won't retroreflect the light back to the wiimote. Alternatively, use active LED points.
Tagging objects on tables and projection- combining this method of tracking with projection is VERY powerful. This is essentially a field of research called Augmented Reality and will likely the be subject of a future video.
Friday, December 21, 2007
Wiimote Finger Tracking -FAQ and Adv Discussion
Posted by
Johnny Chung Lee
10:18 PM
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I don't often swear, but damn you do cool stuff. I'm most impressed by your VR demo, and I'm truly looking forward to your Augmented reality video.
Keep up the great work,
After reading your work and watching the videos, i ran out to buy a wiimote.
I feel Wii remote should cost more than console itself :)
Great work...Will join the effort at sourceforge.
I've just seen your video where you track head position using the wiimote pointing to you. It's awesome, and I'm glad to say that you have won me by some days. I just wanted to try something like that and then you do it. It's great.
I've just realize that I can not do all the things I have though, so I'm going to share my idea with you...
The objective is (like anyone else) to build Minority Report interfaze :-). Ok.. So...
You say that Wiimote can track 4 IR points... 2 for the glasses, 1 for left hand and 1 for right hand. You have use wiimote pointing to you, wear the glasses, and use two gloves with one IR led and switch in the thumb... Then, to turn on the light, just press the thumb with the other finger in the same hand. With the calibration of the original software, and tracking of the head, the system will "guess" what you are seeing... Seems feasible???
Regards.. You're great... I would like to work on things like this!!!
Keep the good work and the great ideas.
I've been reading about this stuff lately, your blog really got me piqued as it's much more simple than anything else I've seen. This is great work. An idea I had to combat the physical exertion of holding your hands up all the time is to put the light array and wiimote in front of you on the ground or on a table. than you could hold your hands out flat in front of you, similar to as they are above a keyboard. I hope I can find time to play around with this stuff. Excellent work!
Here's the answer for the "leds on hands" solution.
Take care ;) Keep up the great innovative stuff.
I wonder is it possible to use the wiimote as a replacement for a camera in a typical FTIR setup, as described on this site:
Now you are tracking the head position if you are able to recognize different point you can do a simple motion capture system.
The first solution is using different lenght of reflect strip for different part of body.
like :
An another solution is try to modulate a unique signal on IR led for identify it.
4u Wii remote sensivity can do one of this idea?
Hey, thanks a lot for your awesome projects. They're mind blowing!
I was wondering where I can find any informations about the transformations you use in your DirectX C# code (especially the AffineTransformSolver.cs file), which are also used in the many photo-managing apps on multitouch surfaces (like the Microsoft Surface) to move, rotate and zoom images.
I currently don't fully get how it works by only looking at the code, and I would love to learn more on how to do that.
A link to a good resource, or a little tutorial, or just a more commented code would be really helpful!
Thanks in advance, and keep up the good work,
Awesome work, as usual!
I'd like to see how your 2 point finger tracking might interact with something like Google Maps or Google Earth rather than the demo application.
I can see some very interesting possibilities. :)
That would work too I think
I've just watched your IR-Glasses-Tranking-Thingy. Now that's what I call a 3D invironment. I wonder if there is any possibility to implement this technology into already existing commertial games. Take for example Half Life 2 or the Need for Speed series. I guess it is possible to write a small program and keep it running while playing a game. Unfortunatly I'm just a user and probably will have to wait for decadse untill somebody does something like this. I'll just keep on engineering cars..
But YOU should get some funds for your work. Respect!
I've just watched your IR-Glasses-Tranking-Thingy. Now that's what I call a 3D invironment. I wonder if there is any possibility to implement this technology into already existing commertial games. Take for example Half Life 2 or the Need for Speed series. I guess it is possible to write a small program and keep it running while playing a game. Unfortunatly I'm just a user and probably will have to wait for decadse untill somebody does something like this. I'll just keep on engineering cars..
But YOU should get some funds for your work. Respect!
I've just watched your IR-Glasses-Tranking-Thingy. Now that's what I call a 3D invironment. I wonder if there is any possibility to implement this technology into already existing commertial games. Take for example Half Life 2 or the Need for Speed series. I guess it is possible to write a small program and keep it running while playing a game. Unfortunatly I'm just a user and probably will have to wait for decadse untill somebody does something like this. I'll just keep on engineering cars..
But YOU should get some funds for your work. Respect!
I'm simply amazed with this video. you are the one that's totally disassemble the wiimote capabilities and showing them to the world.
Hey I was wonder if one day we could take for exemaple the OS from surface and put into the pc and use this ir system to control it... wow seems like you're one step ahead from MS.
One last thing. I bought an wiimote just to try ur hacks.
Keep up the good work man. I'll be looking for updates :D
this might help for fingertracking:
i went the diy route and wired 2 small lights from an old nintendo screen magnifier up to 2 batteries works a treat ;)
Fabulous! You might find useful/interesting to incorporate VPython (vpython.org), which makes it way too easy to create complex 3D animations. Bonus: VPython was originally created at CMU in 2000 by David Scherer, who was then a sophomore in CS.
First of all congratulations on your effort. Second, thank you kindly for sharing. Third...
...well... i make (mostly) electronic dance music and have been drooling over a jazzmutants lemur multitouch interface for quite some time as the main interface for my live performances. since i don't and don't expect to have money to buy one in the next couple of years i bought a much more reasonable priced behringer bcf2000 midi controller - mainly as a studio aid but it's probably going to be used live too. thing is... turning knobs and pressing buttons isn't half as visually engaging for the audience as waving my hands in the air or even using a video projector + wii remote for a lemur-like multi-touch interface.
i'm going to buy a wii remote tomorrow and follow your instructions on getting it to work as an input device, as well as try out the various tutorials available online for using it as a midi input interface.
i've seen the wii remote being used as a midi controller but always moving the remote itself. i prefer your approach of keeping the remote stationary... and since i have a lot of buttons on my bcf2000 midi interface i could use those for toggling wii remote on and off... or connect a midi footswitch.
my questions are:
- how hard would it be to get a wii remote to work as a MIDI or OSC (open sound control) controller in the software framework you use in your examples? i'm not a programmer but have friends who can probably help me if it won't take too much of their time. plus i also work in graphic design so i could take care of all visual aspects of the interface.
- do you have any idea how much latency should i expect for the midi or osc to reach my audio software (energyXT - www.energy-xt.com) with the extra cpu burden of analysing visual input and generating the graphics in your examples? latency doesn't seem to be a problem in most of the demos videos i've seen that use wii remotes and midi, which is promising.
- after the smashing success of your $14 steadycam, would you be willing to take on a similar approach to midi/osc controllers using wii remotes?
my graphic design / illustation blog - there's a link to my music moniker's myspace page (Büna) in case you are interested.
congratulations on your brilliant body of work,
bernardo moreira
In the video, when the stickers have been put on the fingers, why is it suddenly a much clearer picture? ie there was noise of the other parts of the hand before but after the hands don't seem to reflect anymore, is the sensitivity turned down or maybe the distance is increased from the monitor?
Hi Johnny, built the Pen_Ir and works like a dream and now wanted to try to make the Wiimote Tracking Finger, but I do not see a pattern with many Leds. If you know where I can get the outline of the plate with 100 leds me what I would like to comment, thank you.
Could you use something like this but just replace the color LEDs with IR ones?
LED Glove
I have seen these before and thought it might work well.
^^^ Looks like a good idea.
Can't think of any real world uses for hand tracking yet though. Maybe for playing a fake musical instrument? Or for drawing in the air?
Video editing would be really exciting, as shown in Minority Report.
Future is upon us. Really neat.
I was wondering if the "tracking 4 points" was a limitation of the Wiimote itself or of your software?
I ask this because I'm trying to figure out a way to do very cheap full body motion capture for animation.
is there a way to replace the grid with an image and be able to manipulate it the same way?
the wiimote is pre-programmed to track 4 IR sources. it doesn't send video back to the computer, it just sends four sets of X/Y coordinates
David Lang
So I discovered your page tonight while looking for a way to mod a non-wii GHero controller to work with a wii(which i think ive figured out) but damn I am amazed at what you have done. I've had ideas going through my head all night.
Idea #1 - 2 wiimotes on any ole guitar to track hand movements to easily produce guitar sheet music/tab/midi tracks.Could use a reflective pick and the reflective tape on the fingers trick. Yes there are midi pickups out there but they can be very intrusive and require physically modding your instrument,and can be costly for just a decently accurate one. If this idea was delivered as an "outofthebox" solution i think it would be huge because the market for lower cost, "easier to use", home recording equipment/software has boomed insanely the past 5-6 years with the jumps in storage space and processor speed. The fact you could use ANY guitar would be a huge selling point to slap on the front of the box for any would be guitar tinkerer.
It could start out as just an "amateur toy" and as more copies were sold, you could release more advanced versions. The next step would be to integrate some audio element to interpret how hard your hitting the strings. OOO better yet, I wonder, are there IR cameras sensitive enough to see string vibration? if they were close enough to the strings? most strings would naturally reflect the light, which would eliminate the need for a reflective pick, keep the hand out of the way, and you could place a non reflective static cling sticker underneath to increase tracking!!!!the possibilities!
Hey David,
awesome work. this looks like the beginning of something innovative.
concerning the individual recognition of the 4 sources, have you done any work with trying to slightly alter the wavelengths of the infrared light, and if the wiimote can distinguish it? In my mind, that would allow you to individually track the 4 sources, and assign specific actions when they interact.
Idea #2 use the head tracking/whiteboard ideas to increase the safety & speed of heads up displays in cars. Different viewing angles(driver height), different windshield contours, seat positions,update speeds, and install costs are not currently sufficent for companies to invest in mass producing HUDs. With dynamic head tracking and dynamic display adjustment built in,it would be much more viable for most dealerships and such to install any unit into any vehicle, especially if they utilized a fixed (smaller) display size combined with reflective film technologies(which could be upgraded as years go by) for a cheaper system. Head tracking could also be used to integrate dynamic "blindspot views" in the display depending which way the driver's head is facing (ie your looking through your rear window and a view of your front pops up, or you look off to the right and a a view of your back left pops up in that portion of the windshield). Overall that feature alone would increase response times because the system would know to warn the driver sooner about certain driving conditions. Once HUD's become a more comercially viable product to make their advancement will skyrocket imo.
Would anyone like to use my website for discussion about these projects? I am not doing it for ads or site traffic, I just want to help the users here communicate with each other as best they can, and give them a great platform to do it.
Wiimote Project
I just started the site so feel free to use it if you want.
In the roads that have reflective dots on the sides I presume that this technique could be used for the car to drive itself. Have you considered trying this with a remote-control car in a miniature track?
I was wondering if you could make an instructional video on how to connect the wiimote to the computer. If you already have one or make one, please send the URL to my e-mail: justdontaskme194@aol.com
A really great idea making do with off the shelf material.
A thought - by putting reflective tape pieces around your face, you could use facial expressions for gestures. This would be particularly useful for people with hand/leg disabilities.
let me be the first to put it simply
you are one bad motherfucker johnny lee.
WiimoteProject.com Is now up and running.
I have talked with Johnny and We are going to make it the official support forums for his Wiimote Projects. Please register there and start sharing your wisdom :)
If anyone would like to help with the site please PM dice on the new site. (thats me ;) )
This is extremely interesting. My question is have you tried andything with autocad? Watching your video with the grid and utilizing either the two pens or fingers it would seem that you would be able to make this compatible with autocad. thans
I'm interested in using the wiimote c# library for linux programming purpouses. I mean, I want to develope something like an "electronic blackboard" as the one appearing in YouTube.
Does anyone have used Jhonny's C# library in this environment.
Thanks a lot for your answers.
Hey I liked the Wii recognizing the fingers thing, but I love the head recognition with 3-D effects on the TV.
I love your attitude too. "Developers if you are watching this I hope you make some games like this!"
Keep up the fun work with the Wii remote. I may even try some of these cool things myself just because I am a geek of course!
Please check out my blog...all photography, if you are into that at all!
It looks like this approach could be enhanced so that the Wiiremote could offer a fairly low cost motion capture solution.
Potentially you could increase the number of points captured by using time division multiplexing of IR point light sources. The 100hz by four point sampling could produce fairly decent results, for example theoretically capturing 16 points at 25 frames per second rate (or more points at lower sample rates).
This could track all fingers (if the light sources are attached to the fingers) or potentially provide full body motion capture with a reasonable number of sample points.
I'm so impressed. with everything. I think all you're projects are amazing but I don't see any potential on a windows machine. I guess you're thinking about eventual wii use but I don't like to leave things like that to chance, might not be profitable for them, etc... I wish so dearly you would release a mac compatible set for darwiinremote or at least compile something for linux so it'd be universal!
keep up the good work, but yeah something for apple would save the planet...
Infrared finger source: an LED + watch battery + some tape. That's all you need. See Step 3 at...
... and use the tape like Johnny with the reflective tape in the Youtube video.
Don't buy the batteries at your local drug store- get them on ebay or whatever for pennies on the dollar.
Ideally one could rig gloves with little spring clips for the batteries and you could turn just off the LEDs by removing the button batteries and putting them in little insulated storage pockets in a special case you make to store the gloves when you're not using them. Or in the gloves themselves.
Hi Johnny, your project about finger tracing using the Wii mote has inspired me to find a good project to do in school. We've decided to create a flash application for children that allows them to go nuts an paint with their fingers in the air. But we need some hardware to get started, i was wondering wich kind of IR LED you use? I can't find it on the forums so i decided to ask you here.
Dear Lee and friends,
I am also one of the students whose class was impressed by your projects.We are going to plan designing some new games for children. At that point i need some information about camera tracking.We will plan to use a table to play on the game we planned to create and we will use our hands to hit the ball in the pc interface.This means a lot of movement.I wonder What is the easiest way to cam track both 2 players hands and a ball.Thank all of you for your interest.
P.S. if u want to write an answer plese start the word "Gokhan". thank you all
I was just going to throw this out there because I don't think anyone else has mentioned it yet.
I've been experimenting with using 2 wiimotes to track instead of just 1. this gives you 3D data as well as a better field of view, and the extra data makes it possible to average the 2 cameras giving you more accurate data. While it took a bit of work to make it practical, I found that if you apply smoothing to the position data (to account for those random little glitches or stray reflections), you can get quite usable 3D mouse input.
I really dont know where to begin with this post but what Johhny has done and some others is so exciting...!!!I am NOT a programmer or a computer savvy person,I work in the Halloween Sector..YES..I scare the CRAP out of you when you visit my Haunted House.What I want someone to do is go to Skulltronix.Com and ckeck out what they call Motion Capture.The Video is also posted on you tube..go to Talking Skull search,go down until you see Talkign skull follows actors motion.THIS is what we want to do BUT not having 1000.00 to just do the hardware kit,skull is an extra 1600.00.So if someone can figure this out..PLEASE write me back..!!
Speaking as the guy who designed and built the SkullTroniX motion capture system I thank you for your interest.
We looked at using the Wii remote for doing this project and rejected it because it has some limitations that would take more effort to overcome than using the route we eventually did take, the SkullTroniX magic motion system has been developed to be expandable, and we would find ourselves severely handicapped by the Wii remote.
Much of the cost of our system reflects the difference between getting something to work, and getting it to work reliably by someone who isn't a computer genius
Each SkullTroniX talking skull takes 30 man hours to build and features a number of specially designed components that make the motion so fluid and easy, there are a LOT of DIY projects that try and duplicate the SkullTroniX system, however, as yet nobody has managed to match our system at our price.
This is awesome work. I'm considering joining the effort for linux, so that we can beginning work on multitouch
I have submitted it to brainstorm for ubuntu to get it added to the main distribution (so everyone vote it up): http://brainstorm.ubuntu.com/idea/6917/
PS Phoenix, sounds like you are just spamming rather then saying something interesting..
i was wondering if someone could explain how to rig a small ir light. i heard that all you need is a battery, the light, a transistor or something. is there a powerful enough ir light in a tv remote or something else household?
Dear Mr.Hammond,
I am JongBum-Woo in Department of Industrial Design at KAIST, South Korea.
I am currently preparing to apply for '2008 LG Global Challenger' program held in Korea. '2008 LG Global Challenger' is a program organized to support students, providing them chances to visit institutes or laboratories that are currently leading certain areas, which would help students suggest insight of future. The subject we have chosen for this program is 'The Vision of Gesture Interface.'
While processing research on this subject, our team members have found researches and technologies provided by your institute.
Since we have concluded that your data would be very helpful for us to get insight of new interfaces of future, we carefully ask you to provide us an opportunity to visit your institute.
We are planning to visit USA in early August. We will be much appreciated if you allow us to visit the institute for a single day and provide us specific information on your research about ‘Tracking Your Fingers with the Wiimote, & Low-Cost Multi-point Interactive Whiteboards Using the Wiimote' (We found it Webpage of CMU). We also wish to have time to ask you some questions.
We promise that the information provided for us will only used in writing our report for '2008 LG Global Challenger' program.
Thank you.
Respond mail:
hi , i just heard about your projects and i think they are wonderfull, bust before i start trying i wold like to know if this works whit a Mac, use a macbook 2.0 intel based system,
jerrold huitron
mexico city
hey I just found this looking around good old google
I only imagine the possible uses... Like placing the reflective tape on top of fists in boxing games. Has anyone gave it a thought?
Great work!
Hi all! I am a student from Taiwan.
I'm trying to use this amazing idea with OpenGL but I have no idea how to do. Could anyone give me some tips?
Sorry for my bad English if you cant understand what i write...
Please, could anybody answer this. For the finger tracking, instead of using numerous infared LED lights, could you instead use the Wii sensor barl since it also emits infared light?
hey just woundering if the wii can track 4 controlers at once, how hard would it be/ or would it be possible to use 4 controlers on 4 tvs one on the left, right, front, and behind you and a pair of IR glasses to fully implament a 3d inviornment where you can turn around to any tv and each remote tracks the head tracker and as the IR disapears from one tv it gets read by the other controler on another TV and gives you the 3d view in that direction?
Great ideas on all your projects. I am using the IR led on my finger tips with a small watch battery and it works great. I am using WIIremote to drive the mouse and IR controls. I wonder if it's possible to capture a mouse click using the IR led and a non-stick push switch. essentially I want to the send IR button source to override the "A" button on the WIImote. Is this possible ? or is there any other solution out there.
Here is My suggestion on easy creation or IR Pen for white board or hand conrtol ...
Step 1
Buy the white led torch light cheap ones for 3-5 dollar(single white led or 3 white led torch )
Step 2 :replace the centre white LED with IR
Step :3 remove other led
and you have a IR pen in minutes that works with battery and is also cool looking
Hi Johnny,
As Wiiteam has asked, I would like to work on the FINGER SENSING, but the LED i used (VISHAY TSAL6400) is not powerful enough to create reflection. Is there any IR Emitter you can recommend to me?
Thank you and regards,
Kian Liong
U r the man jhonny...I a m really thrilled by your work..I am looking forward to develop this in to some other usages in future.
Hello ... first of all .. Great job Done .. and all thumbs up (on my feet as well)
I have a simple question :
Has the tracking fingers concept ever been implemented to Linux ?
What I mean is : I would like to use the tracking fingers for all-purpose every day use. Clicking start,icons,controling firefox, spinning the cube, etc ..
If so .. where can I find HOWTO ?
If not ... is anyone working on it ?
please email me drrelic@azet.sk
I have a few suggestions for using this technology in an MMORPG.
1) Controlling the camera angle - using the LED Headset, the player's face can act similar to an analog joystick to look left and right, up and down while running straight ahead or just standing.
Checking for hidding enemies and such as you run passed corridors and corners.
You would need to invert the controls however so that where you look a little to the right you see more to the right.
2) when the character turns their head past where they can see the screen, they could automatically go AFK.
3) Moving or Leaning to the left or right would be equivalent to the Strafe commands.
4) Leaning forward and backwards would be the equivalent to running or walking forwards and backwards.
5) be able to set the sensitivity for movement similar to the mouse sensitivity for speed.
6) Be able to set your default position based on the users desired seating arrangement by which all other movements would be relative to that default position.
Lastly I would not try to replace what the keyboard and mouse do. They are doing a good job at that. However the head is currently not contributed to the gaming experience, so make the head do the controling of the head and legs in the game. Let the keyboard and mouse control the special actions and hand movements.
Matt, head tracking has been around for quite some time in games, however the support is mostly from 3rd party add-on software. Look at the commercial TrackIR system for example, at least 95 games supported and counting. You can make your own homemade system as well. They have not been supported in MMORPG games, maybe they think it would be too much of an advantage.
Hi, This looks great. The first thing i thought about was its application for people with severe handicaps like paralysis from the neck down. No big game application (thats all very cool too) just the ability to use a mouse and type using just your head. I dunno...maybe its been done using a wired method. If not then you could really help some people.
Hi Johnny, I am trying to create the Infrared LED array. Can you please tell me what materials i would need inorder to get the LED array circuit functioning as it should? Thanks
I just saw the video and am very impressed. My "take it to the next level" idea is this:
Use two wii remotes pointed at the same subject about 2 feet apart. Both remotes would point at the same subject, effectively producing a stereoscopic view. This would allow the user to interact in all three dimensions.
At even a higher level, multiple remotes could be used point point at the same volume of space which would effectively create a fully 3-D environment that the user can interact with. Such a setup might be calibrated by tossing a uv pen through the volume so that the Software could determine the orientation of each wii remote with respect to each other.
Let me know what you think.
Awesome! I want to reproduce and adapt this technique. Do you have any info on how well different colors of reflective material? White, orange, yellow, blue, etc?
I'M IN!!!
...sorry for shouting.
hello .. johnny lee
your work is amazing .. i'm working on a similar project which combines the two ideas with a whole 3D scene .. when we did that, the mouse started moving with the head tracking which kinda annoying .. we wanted to be like the yellow text on the left of the screen in the application which is 2D (close to the screen) ..
so do you know a way to make the mouse movement independent of the head tracking ??
In the "Tracking Your Fingers with the Wiimote" video, Johnny says at the end that the technology may not be very good for productivity application due to the tiring nature of the gestures. However, some people learn and think better when moving. Large muscle movements can be tied to intellectually stimulating for kinesthetic learners. And if that person trains for extended physical exertion (ie: rock climbing), then what gives a non-athlete fatigue, could trigger in a fitness junkie not only intellectual and physical activation, but enjoyment. Like a kind of runner's high. Which would make for a new incentive for industry to nourish athleticism in society. Just imagine; being physically addicted to work in much the same manner cyclists can't stay off the bike. Whoa... scary thoughts. (but I'll leave that for latter)
Anyways... sorry Johnny, not even you can find anything wrong with your technology.
And just imagine when all three Wii Remote project are successfully combined, and distributed? And then a minimalist budget Wii Remote and projector will come out and before you know it, we'll be laughing at anybody using a 2D "screen"... "hahahah... the 20th century called, they want their commodore 64 back!"
Obama Chung Lee 2012!!!
In the "Tracking Your Fingers with the Wiimote" video, Johnny says at the end that the technology may not be very good for productivity application due to the tiring nature of the gestures. However, some people learn and think better when moving. Large muscle movements can be tied to intellectually stimulating for kinesthetic learners. And if that person trains for extended physical exertion (ie: rock climbing), then what gives a non-athlete fatigue, could trigger in a fitness junkie not only intellectual and physical activation, but enjoyment. Like a kind of runner's high. Which would make for a new incentive for industry to nourish athleticism in society. Just imagine; being physically addicted to work in much the same manner cyclists can't stay off the bike. Whoa... scary thoughts. (but I'll leave that for latter)
Anyways... sorry Johnny, not even you can find anything wrong with your technology.
And just imagine when all three Wii Remote project are successfully combined, and distributed? And then a minimalist budget Wii Remote and projector will come out and before you know it, we'll be laughing at anybody using a 2D "screen"... "hahahah... the 20th century called, they want their commodore 64 back!"
Obama Lee 2012!!!
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관심이 있으시면 연락 부탁드립니다.
e-mail : goodvc@plustech.co.kr
Can your wii modification for finger tracking be used now to conduct a presentation where power point, pdf, and associated web links would be opened, expanded minimized and moved around on the screen - using a modified wii controler a laptop and a projector?
Now I know where to go to get a cellphone at least...
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