Friday, December 21, 2007

Head Tracking for Desktop VR Displays using the Wiimote

Using the infrared camera in the Wii remote and a head mounted sensor bar (two IR LEDs), you can accurately track the location of your head and render view dependent images on the screen. This effectively transforms your display into a portal to a virtual environment. The display properly reacts to head and body movement as if it were a real window creating a realistic illusion of depth and space.

Link to the Wiimote Projects Page


felobros said...

You're a Genius!

Anonymous said...

I second that! Great work, amazing.

db said...

simply awesome!!!

La Pistola said...

OMG.. dude.. you are my hero.

Vermine said...

Keep up, your time will come soon I think.

Spike said...

This is your best one yet!!

Unknown said...

why does it windows come up with

Microsoft Windows

Wiimote FishtankVR has stopped working

Windows is checking for a solution to the problem...

straight away, really want this working :(

Unknown said...

just great...maybe you could modify the code to do this with a ir-webcam and two ir leds.This would be great...

Unknown said...

Simple, elegant, awesome.

Khstapp said...

Please tell me you are working with game developers for this!

SJ said...

Woah this is awesome stuff.

Quinn said...

This is brilliant and has so many applications outside of gaming. You have inspired me to pull out some of my art installation concept from college for which the technology didn't exist at the time. Thank you.

SJ said...

Hmm this isn't working for me. When I try to run the application it says "Wiimote FishtankVR has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry for the inconvenience."

The WiimoteWhiteboard app was working fine for me, but not this for some reason. I do make sure that the Wiimote is connected before I run the application.

SJ said...

Here's the error I found using the Visual Studio debugger:

"An unhandled exception of type 'System.IO.FileNotFoundException' occurred in Unknown Module.

Additional information: Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.DirectX, Version=1.0.2902.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified."

You are catching the file not found exception for config.dat, so it seems like it's for some other file, but I can't find any other files being read in your code.

Unknown said...

Now here's the real trick: Get a large square room with white walls, several projectors (calibrated and stitched to create a seamless and continuous field of view, even along the floors), Wimote with the VR glasses...

I think the actual implementation would be somewhat trivial considering what you've accomplished so far.

Spacesurgeon said...

absolutely awesome...

this has an unbelievable no. of applications in the real world...........

Carlos Martins said...

Really amazing!

I wonder Nintendo ever though there would be so much extra uses for a wiimote? ;)

Subscribed to your blog. :)

Jerry said...


You rule!

Just the 3 Wii videos should have given you your PhD. They are not only bright ideas, but they are also highly subversive kind of open-hardware ideas. Implement a multi-thousand dollars device with a 50$ found-everywhere gimmick is a industry threatning and market shaking proposal.

I am just thinking on asking Eng. students in my University to copycat your ideas and try to make other device as graduation projects. We have a lot of projectors, but we can´t afford the interactive whiteboard. Your idea can affect the 3rd world!



Johnny Chung Lee said...

I'm not sure what wrong with the program. I can't replicate the error on my machines. I've add a blog post about this. So, the discussions concerning this error can be centralized.

BubbaTX said...

Brilliant! Now if we can just get this to control "bob and weave" head and body movement in an FPS engine, we're set. Half-life or Bioshock with this ability would be wicked!

This is your finest wiihack yet.

sourcetalk said...

Why don't you have an array of LED lights behind the WII light up your face and track it that way?

sandiipa said...

Is the software also running on a mac?

El Cantinero said...

Wow! man, you are truly a genius, congratulations! I took the liberty of translating some of your explanations in Spanish and put them on my blog, Im a Costa Rican software developer and I believe the world must know about these projects, as this is really interesting. Also I did post your vids on my blog and a link to your project website, so everyone can see that If thats ok with you. This is way too cool man.

If you want to take a look on my blog, go visit,

Needless to say, if you have a problem with me posting your vids on my blog, tell me and Ill remove them...

Ibrahim Awwal said...

Wow you are just amazing. Too bad bluetooth drivers are weird on Vista x64 but once I get access to an XP computer I'll have to check this out. Nintendo should hire you and make some amazing VR games.

thehosh said...

ehm.. ehm.. sorry im lost for words.. THIS IS THE NEXT GENERATION GAMING!!! would you please please make this code for linux too!! i would appreciate it, also im gonna be learning C++ and maybe i'll be able to make a mod or sumit to make this works as the mouse in a game :D or in xbox 360/ps3 as the right analogue stick to make really virtual reality (not sure with x360 coz its a closed platform)!! but first step is making it work with the PC as mouse!!

THANK YOU VERY MUCH FOR FINDING OUT THIS !! also your other 2 wiimote project are awesome.. i wonder why nintendo didn't use that ??



Unknown said...

I've managed to get this to work on my own laptop, but I'm having all the targets at the same size. The whole 3d effect doesn't work because of this. How can I fix this? Nevertheless, great job making the program.

Gary said...

You're my new hero. Would it be easy to patch your software to lua to control movement in WOW? People already have headsets for communication, so adding LEDs would not be at all noticable.

Shagg E said...

You've got yourself a fanboy here. This is the greatest thing I've seen since augmented reality.

Unknown said...

Chapeau! I bought a wii remote straight after I saw your first wiihack to try it at home. But this application is simply amazing and I can't wait to try it! Keep up the good work ;)

S said...

That is amazing. Now the rest of the world needs to catch up.

Anonymous said...

Brilliant! Have you thought about working with the Freetrack guys ( ) to get the wiimote working with their software? That would be great for PC head tracking.

Thanks for your work!

popims man said...

Beautiful idea !
I would be happy to help, as a specialist of 3D video. Have a look at
to see what we could do together.
greetings !

freako said...

Why don't you have an array of LED lights behind the WII light up your face and track it that way?

More specifically, would your eyes reflect enough IR to track? That could be used for a whole lot of things, such as some eyepopping (no pun intended) storefront displays etc etc.

Anonymous said...

While the illusion is impressive, the practical implementation of it is extremely limited. The body motions demonstrated in the video were unrealistically large and the illusion only exists during these motions.

I've played with the portal idea in an open-source head tracking program called FreeTrack. I found that if you're going to go to the effort of head tracking, you might as well use it for hands free head-look instead of a simplistic portal illusion which only works with a fixed view.

tinspoon said...

You are definitely one brilliant man! Did you ever consider using your finger tracking-setup for the head-tracking demo? The human face contains two fixed-distance reflective markers named eyes:) Though your approach with the safety glasses is by far the most ergonomically advanced approach, it would be even more elegant to work without a device at all. Maybe blinking is fast enough not to cause a disruption in detection. Otherwise there would be a software-based solution...
Again: you are inspiring! Thank you

tinspoon said...

You are definitely one brilliant man! Did you ever consider using your finger tracking-setup for the head-tracking demo? The human face contains two fixed-distance reflective markers named eyes:) Though your approach with the safety glasses is by far the most ergonomically advanced approach, it would be even more elegant to work without a device at all. Maybe blinking is fast enough not to cause a disruption in detection. Otherwise there would be a software-based solution...
Again: you are inspiring! Thank you

Marcel said...

That's very cool Johnny, well done!

I guess turning your head gives the wiimote camera the false impression that you're moving closer and further away? - but i guess during game-play one would be expecting the player to looking at the screen and not gazing around the room.

To avoid the faff of having LEDs on your head, how about an IR floodlight (IR LED array) at the screen and then reflective balls mounted on your glasses??

...and thinking about it now, why not have one reflective ball on your head, and measure the intensity of the reflection to calculate distance??

Just my 2pnth - but I'm sure you've thought of this stuff already.

Wishing you every success with this and other ideas you have...

God bless


Danny Ocean said...

Just what I was looking for. Greetings from Brazil. U´re a fuck%&¨%$$# genius!

Danny Ocean said...

I don't know what is happenning but I can´t sense Z on my set, neither "axis rotation", just x and Y position. :(

Olaf said...

Absolutly great! You made my day ... Greetings from germany

Unknown said...

To avoid the faff of having LEDs on your head, how about an IR floodlight (IR LED array) at the screen and then reflective balls mounted on your glasses??

^^^ This is a good idea I think, means that you only need one setup for both tracking methods (fingers and head). Also probably cheaper as you won't keep needing batteries for the leds on your head, and shiny stickers will probably be lighter that leds or glasses.

p.s. like everyone says, you're the man!!!

John Yap K W said...

I am just amazed by the way the Wii-mote is being used. Tried the application on my 40-inch TV and it's awesome.

Like everybody says, you definitely are the Man 8-)

jal said...

from one JL to another - like a lot of people posting comments here and on youtube, you are seriously my hero. Such and awesome guy, such brilliant work, so down to earth.

mAdSense said...

Absolutely Brilliant!

I just checked your Utube video and I'm exited about the possibilities of this. I hope you have contacted Nintendo to help them further develop their next leap inot the future of gaming!

I will try your VR Fishtank and see what I can do to help fine tune your project.

YOU ARE THE MAN! Keep up the Great work!

Richard Jones said...

Quick question - where did you source the glasses with the LEDs on them?

charzy11 said...

Bob: "While the illusion is impressive, the practical implementation of it is extremely limited. The body motions demonstrated in the video were unrealistically large and the illusion only exists during these motions. "

I thought this would be a problem for a while, but eventually concluded the following...

If you revert back to the 2d screen/image, a 3d image only looks obviously 2d WHEN you move your head. Your brain is expecting the perspective to change and when it doesnt the illusion crashes.

In fact this may work in the game developers favour, as with a little research they could identify the maximimum amount of movement a gamer will make during a session and would be able to reduce the amount of programming required respectively.

I wish I had the programming skills to have a bash at this. The first idea that sprung to my mind was a 1st person tennis game. The court, stadium, net and ball would look amazing, even with very simplistic graphics.

Besides, In my oppinion I believe the most unrealistic aspect of playing games is the fact that 'we' are in a motionless state. This could all change with this technology. The wii has already taken the first step in this direction.

Layne said...

Imagine this:

At CES this week, they were demo'ing PDA sized projectors. What if you mounted one of these on your head with the VR tracking. Adding more IR points would allow for more/better head tracking. And if you can track colors, too, you should be able to get full 3D immersion.


Unknown said...

Exactly right Charzy11, you don't need to move much to get the effect. The illusion fails like you say as soon as you move an inch, so you only need to move an inch for the illusion to work. If you want to move more then you get an even better effect.

Eduardo said...


Have you considered using the red eye effect to avoid the need for the glasses? If you shine enough infra red into the room from a single point (the TV) then when the person looks a t it the Wiimote will see two white or pitch black dots. You can probably see this if you put your face very close to the finger tracking demo setup. Do you see this as an option to avoid the glasses?

Vortex said...

Hi there

just a short question:
have you ever hear about trackIR?
it is from naturalpoint and works a similar way.
would it be possible to make the wiimote work the same way in games?

Ivan Hazelton said...

Freakin' awesome!! You are a genius! I was instantly amazed, now I am trying to replicate your equipment, but I can't find IR LEDs to replace the ones in my safety googles. The googles I have (look just like the ones in your video) require LEDs that accept 6v and all I can find at radio shaq (sic) and on line are 1.2-1.8v ANY HELP??

DiscoKing said...

I admire your sharing of programming for the advancement of your idea, without any sort of fees. You are great and the science/technology field could use more of your type!!

DWARG said...

This is an idea (virtual window into a 3D space based on head position relative to the frame) I've been kicking around for a couple of years. Unfortunately I'm not even close to smart enough to figure out a way to actually implement it.

Well done sir. I'm in awe.

Unknown said...

incredible I have made a post about this on my blog

I hope you the best with this and all your projects.

CalmSandwich said...

You just made a mention in new scientist. Well done..:D

RM said...

WHat if you used a projector against a white wall, instead of a screen? So you are not shooting through a window?

Mike Scott said...

This is too cool!


You rock seriously awesome.

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Dell G5260 battery
Dell Inspiron 9200 battery
Dell Latitude C500 battery
Dell GK479 battery
Dell PC764 battery
Dell inspiron 8500 battery
Dell Inspiron 4100 battery
Dell Inspiron 4000 battery
Dell Inspiron 8200 battery
Dell FK890 battery
Dell Inspiron 1721 battery
Dell Inspiron 1300 Battery
Dell Inspiron 1520 Battery
Acer Travelmate 2300 battery

combattery84 said...

IBM thinkpad t42 battery
IBM thinkpad r51 battery
Thinkpad r50 battery
IBM thinkpad r32 battery
Thinkpad x41 battery
SONY VGP-BPS5 battery
SONY VGP-BPL2C battery
SONY VGP-BPS2A battery
SONY VGP-BPS2B battery
SONY PCGA-BP1N battery
SONY PCGA-BP2E battery
SONY PCGA-BP2S battery
SONY PCGA-BP2T battery
SONY PCGA-BP2V battery
SONY PCGA-BP4V battery
SONY PCGA-BP71 battery
SONY PCGA-BP71A battery
SONY VGP-BPL1 battery
SONY VGP-BPL2 battery

combattery84 said...

Sony vgn-t2xp/s battery
Sony vaio vgn-s4xp battery
Sony vaio pcg-z1rsp battery
SONY NP-FT1 battery
SONY NP-FC10 Battery
SONY NP-F330 Battery
SONY NP-F550 Battery
SONY NP-FM50 Battery
SONY NP-FP50 Battery
SONY NP-55 Battery
SONY NP-FM70 Battery
SONY NP-33 Battery
SONY NP-F970 Battery
SONY NP-FP90 Battery
FUJITSU Lifebook C2220 battery
FUJITSU Fpcbp63 Battery
FUJITSU Fpcbp68 Battery
FUJITSU Fpcbp77 Battery
FUJITSU Fpcbp78 Battery
FUJITSU Fpcbp79 Battery
FUJITSU Fpcbp95 Battery
FUJITSU Fpcbp98 Battery
FUJITSU Fpcbp121 Battery
FUJITSU Fpcbp151 Battery
FUJITSU lifebook t4010 Battery
FUJITSU lifebook t4020d Battery
GATEWAY NX7000 battery
UNIWILL 258-4S4400-S1P1 Battery
TOSHIBA PA3307U-1BRS Battery
TOSHIBA PA3383U-1BRS Battery

combattery84 said...

IBM thinkpad t42 battery
IBM thinkpad r51 battery
Thinkpad r50 battery
IBM thinkpad r32 battery
Thinkpad x41 battery
SONY VGP-BPS5 battery
SONY VGP-BPL2C battery
SONY VGP-BPS2A battery
SONY VGP-BPS2B battery
SONY PCGA-BP1N battery
SONY PCGA-BP2E battery
SONY PCGA-BP2S battery
SONY PCGA-BP2T battery
SONY PCGA-BP2V battery
SONY PCGA-BP4V battery
SONY PCGA-BP71 battery
SONY PCGA-BP71A battery
SONY VGP-BPL1 battery
SONY VGP-BPL2 battery
Sony vgn-t2xp/s battery
Sony vaio vgn-s4xp battery
Sony vaio pcg-z1rsp battery

combattery84 said...

TOSHIBA PA3384U-1BRS Battery
TOSHIBA PA3465U-1BRS Battery
Toshiba PA2487UR battery
Toshiba A100 Battery
Toshiba Satellite A105 battery
Toshiba A70 battery
PA3062U-1BAT battery
Toshiba Satellite P30 battery
Toshiba PA3084U-1BRS battery
Toshiba PA3098U battery
PA3107U-1BAS battery
PA3107U-1BRS battery
PA3166U-1BRS battery
PA3176U-1BAS battery
Toshiba pa3399u-1brs battery
TOSHIBA PA3399U-2BAS Battery
TOSHIBA PA3421U-1BRS Battery
TOSHIBA PA3456U-1BRS Battery
TOSHIBA Pa3356u-1brs battery
Satellite a10 battery
Pa3331u-1brs battery
Satellite m30 series battery
Satellite pro m30 battery
TOSHIBA PA3399U-1BRS Battery
Portege m300 battery
TOSHIBA PA3285U-1BRS Battery
Canon BP-2L5 Battery
Canon BP-508 Battery

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Anonymous said...

HP Pavilion ZD7000 Battery
HP Pavilion DV2000 battery
HP Pavilion DV4000 Battery
HP Pavilion dv6000 Battery
HP Pavilion DV9000 Battery
HP F4098A battery
HP pavilion zx6000 battery
HP omnibook xe4400 battery
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HP omnibook xe3 battery
Notebook NX9110 battery
IBM 02K6821 battery
IBM 02K7054 battery
IBM 08K8195 battery
IBM 08K8218 battery
IBM 92P1089 battery
IBM Thinkpad 390 Series battery
IBM Thinkpad 390X battery
IBM ThinkPad Z61m Battery
IBM 02K7018 Battery
IBM thinkpad t41p battery
IBM ThinkPad R60 Battery
IBM ThinkPad T60 Battery
IBM ThinkPad T41 Battery
IBM ThinkPad T43 Battery

Anonymous said...

IBM ThinkPad X40 Battery
Thinkpad x24 battery
ThinkPad G41 battery
IBM thinkpad r52 battery
Thinkpad x22 battery
IBM thinkpad t42 battery
IBM thinkpad r51 battery
Thinkpad r50 battery
IBM thinkpad r32 battery
Thinkpad x41 battery
SONY VGP-BPS5 battery
SONY VGP-BPL2C battery
SONY VGP-BPS2A battery
SONY VGP-BPS2B battery
SONY PCGA-BP1N battery
SONY PCGA-BP2E battery
SONY PCGA-BP2S battery
SONY PCGA-BP2T battery
SONY PCGA-BP2V battery
SONY PCGA-BP4V battery
SONY PCGA-BP71 battery
SONY PCGA-BP71A battery
SONY VGP-BPL1 battery
SONY VGP-BPL2 battery
Sony vgn-t2xp/s battery

Anonymous said...

Sony vaio vgn-s4xp battery
Sony vaio pcg-z1rsp battery
SONY NP-FT1 battery
SONY NP-FC10 Battery
SONY NP-F330 Battery
SONY NP-F550 Battery
SONY NP-FM50 Battery
SONY NP-FP50 Battery
SONY NP-55 Battery
SONY NP-FM70 Battery
SONY NP-33 Battery
SONY NP-F970 Battery
SONY NP-FP90 Battery
FUJITSU Lifebook C2220 battery
FUJITSU Fpcbp63 Battery
FUJITSU Fpcbp68 Battery
FUJITSU Fpcbp77 Battery
FUJITSU Fpcbp78 Battery
FUJITSU Fpcbp79 Battery
FUJITSU Fpcbp95 Battery
FUJITSU Fpcbp98 Battery
FUJITSU Fpcbp121 Battery
FUJITSU Fpcbp151 Battery
FUJITSU lifebook t4010 Battery
FUJITSU lifebook t4020d Battery
GATEWAY NX7000 battery
UNIWILL 258-4S4400-S1P1 Battery
TOSHIBA PA3307U-1BRS Battery
TOSHIBA PA3383U-1BRS Battery
TOSHIBA PA3384U-1BRS Battery
TOSHIBA PA3465U-1BRS Battery

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