Friday, December 21, 2007

Wiimote DesktopVR - FAQ and Adv Discussion

A lot of very smart people have written in questions and suggestions and I think a lot of them are very clever and worth sharing... and I'd like to add some of my own expansions on what I showed in the video. Like they say, 2 brains are better than 1.... it turns out several thousand brains are even better. This post will be REGULARLY EDITTED to add new ideas as they come in. I know it breaks the RSS model, but I don't want to make a new post for every new idea. Sorry.
Shutter/polarized glasses - if you are going to put something on your head covering your eyes for 3D, it is worth considering making shutter/polarized glasses which allows the computer to deliver a different image to each eye. This results in stereoscopic displays. Combined with head tracking, you get a DARPA grade 3D simulator. When just doing head tracking, the conflicting stereo depth cues weakens the illusion. I would love to do this, but it's quite a bit more hardware, and requires synchronization with the display refresh (or light polarization) which often isn't easy especially given the wide variety of display technologies out there.

Split screen for 2 people - if you split the screen and use two head mounted sensor bars, you can do this for two people... and possibly with one tracking wiimote. One wiimote does 4 dots, so it could (with some smarts) handle two heads. The field of view of a wiimote is only 45 degrees, so it might be cramped with 2 people. But, you could use one wiimote per head and still do split screen.


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Unknown said...

Does this program work with Mac computers?

Unknown said...

Great work by the way.. Off the topic though..
Is there any way of setting up reflective targets on a stable object and returning the x,y,z co-ordinates of these points. A known length bar with a target at each end can be used to set scale ? I assume this is what you are doing in your algorythm however how would you go mapping up to 20 points at a time with maybe a HD camera instead of the remote ?

Coffinmaker said...

I hope maybe this post goes through..didnt see my last one.I too am not a computer savvy person or know how to write programs but I have seen what Johhny has done and I am IN LOVE with it.What I am looking at is someone to go to You Talking skull...scroll down to Motion Capture or "Talking skull follows actors movement." Watch this video and tell me how easier and less expensive MAYBR using a wii remote might make it....PLEASE le me knoe what you all think..And yes I am in the Halloween business,so my object to make it even MORE scarier to enter my Haunted House.

Coffinmaker said...

I hope maybe this post goes through..didnt see my last one.I too am not a computer savvy person or know how to write programs but I have seen what Johhny has done and I am IN LOVE with it.What I am looking at is someone to go to You Talking skull...scroll down to Motion Capture or "Talking skull follows actors movement." Watch this video and tell me how easier and less expensive MAYBR using a wii remote might make it....PLEASE le me knoe what you all think..And yes I am in the Halloween business,so my object to make it even MORE scarier to enter my Haunted House.

Unknown said...

have just got a trackIR4 games controller but the mouse software will not work with the applications i bought it for

i bought the trackIR as i am not as clever or technology minded as you lot are and so thought it would be easier,cant send it back as it is not broken

all i need is a mouse emulation program that will work with it....any ideas?

Anonymous said...

Hello there,

nice work on the desktopVR app.
I'm working with VR myself. So I decided to make a link to VR Juggler (virtual reality middleware app) using VRPN.

I made a custom VRPN driver based on the WiiYourself! C++ lib and Johnny Chung Lee's code.

The result (so far) can be seen here:

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Jakob Bak said...

You can imagine having two head tracking devices, shutter/polarized glasses synchronized with the screen and instead of showing two slightly different angles alternately (like for stereoscopic vision) you show two different viewpoints (as in two different persons looking at the same thing) or four (for a pair of stereoscopic viewpoints on the same thing). This shouldn't be much harder than the single user stereoscopic version (apart from the need for synchronisation between two external devices and the need to distinguish between which IR dots belongs to which images.)

Sean Sweeney said...

I have a quick question. Would you be able to use a normal television remote control as a pen-like device? They have IR LEDs dont they?


Sean Sweeney said...

I have a quick question. Would you be able to use a television remote control as a pen-device? they use IR LEDs dont they?


jumpjack said...

Sean, you can use a standard remote control as a pointer as long as its LED can be seen by the webcam, but it's quite difficult, as the LED usually does not "protrude" from the remote.

Joe Gigliotti said...

I see a few posts by those thinking about molecular visualization -- I second this!

Perhaps you could comment on the ability to alter the viewed environment -- that is, is the code easily changeable to have, say, a protein, instead of targets? It strikes me it cannot be too much of a change...

Winsrp said...

well johnny, great work, if you want to add 3D without driving yourself crazy programming something that does stereo images, then ill have to sugest, something like the IZ3D monitor, it already have some polarized glasses like the ones you use on your head traking video. And if you have the money to have suck a huge TV, you can sure buy one of these. ofr 700$. Check it out.

JeReMy+BeNg said...

Jeremy said...

Is it possible for Wiimote to be connect to some other bluetooth adapter beside the USB?
How about UART bluetooth Adpater?

vanarsd said...

you are the man Johnny...good work!!

skulpture said...

Wow you are THE man! I want to try this out but its telling me it will take 4 hours to download the latest directX ?! (Version 10) Is this for real?!

skulpture said...

DirectX takes 4 hours to download, I cant wait that long - wots going on?!

Ismail Salleh said...

Hi, very impressive approach! When I download the source code there's a folder for macosX folder. How does a apple based user utilise this?

Unknown said...

Is it possible to view the video output of the IR camera on the Wiimote? In other words, can you take a picture with the Wiimote?

schtev said...

in my personal opinion i think that johnny lee should seriously find out how to become a wiiware developer and make 1 of his head tracking programs available for people to download to their wii. This would surely spark larger developers to take note and give us the chance of some awesome future games. Apparently becoming a wiiware developer is fairly simple if uv got the know how

syrnick said...

This is really awesome.

It may be better to think about the sync of the shutter and the video card differently. You can have fixed frequency for the shutter and sync the graphics card to it.

Say, you have 2 LEDs (left/right) showing the shutter states. You read them with the wiimote and control the presentation.

Certainly, some calibration is necessary and some extra tweaks may be needed (e.g. couple different shutter frequences, etc).
The main point is to receive absolutely nothing on the shutter glasses.

Gabriev08 said...

I have to say first off Great job, i know you heard that a million times now though, but I have a question/idea based on your VR simulation, (cost set aside) if you take 4 Tvs place one in front, to the left, the right, and behind you; get 4 controlers place each controler between the TVs in the corners at a 45 degree angel in referance to the 2 TVs on each side of the camera and you centerd yourself in the center, would it not be possible to actualy turn your body to face a different TV 1 of the 2 controlers would loose view of the IR LEDs and 1 controler wold pick up the new signal and give a relitive different perspective for a more true 3D immersion
C1 TV1 C2
M1 T1

C4 TV3 C3

so that lets say that target program if it was constructed useing a true 3D program from lets say caligari Truespace 3D and you renderd those flat bullseye targets, now on the front side you have a bullseye target (T1) on the side its thin with little depth (looks like a line as if you where looking at a peace of cardbord on its side) on the back side of the target you have a bulls eye with a red X going threw it now as you standing in your cubical looking at (TV1) Controler1 and Controler2 are picking up your relitive position as you move closer to TV1 (M1)the Targets get closer, as in your vidio, if you look at TV2 now your screen would show a slightly Thick line the hight of the Target when you move past the Closest Target and it moves behind you, you turn to your Right as you turn to TV2 you see the thin side and oval shaped back side of the bullseye of what would be the Target you just passed, based on your LEDs relitive position to Controler2 and Controler3,and if you turn to TV3 (t1) would be on the far Left side and would show the Bullseye with an X threw it..... so on and so forth.

I just feel this could verry well be possible because Wii and the computer can support 4 controlers at a time and with each controler beeing able to track 4 IR signals, the head Tracker is 2 signals only on at most 2 controlers a 3rd IRLED could implament a Weapon withch you could also thereticaly point anywhere in retrospective to the person and viewing Controlers and TVs to going as far as looking at 1 TV and pointing your gun behind you and shooting at the TV behind you blindly.

sorry if i blabberd on with run-on paragraphs but i hope this gives you some new thoughts into the 3d world inviornment

Unknown said...

Before I begin please note that I am not a very computer savy person.
I love the idea of this VR but I am confused. Is this to be used for your pc or can it actually be used for game playing (PS2, nintendo, etc...) Is this connected to the tv or computer only. Sorry, but can someone please explain this to me?

Thank you.

Murray Gay said...

G'day Johnny
I volunteer at a place for multiple sclerosis people, they have great difficulty in operating mouses and buttons, everything on the market for folks with disabilities is stupidly expensive, but your brilliant wii work is very encouraging and I am trying to figure out way this could best be used so these folks can facilitate the many avenues of knowledge and inspiration on the www.
not being very technical myself (i use a mac) am struggling to conceptualize a way that folks can operate a computer to say view You-Tube or crop a photograph.
Cheers for your brilliance, and making this world even more beautiful

Anonymous said...

Hi There bloggers,

I'm currently trying to get the program WiiDesktopVR running.

But I can't get it to run. I double clicked the program over a hundred times.

I've got Windows XP, Service Pack 3, .NET Framework 2.0 running... and my Mote is connected to blueSoleil and is still flashing that it is connected. I made a sensorbar but eventually the plan doesn't come together because the program won't start up.

What can I do?

Greetings Joost

Unknown said...

Brilliant!!!!!! U a BOSS!

Anonymous said...

Instead of building a pair of glasses, you can just use a headlamp that are made for caving. It works just as good

Alberto said...

Amazing, I have just one question, is there a possibility of a macintosh version of this software, I cant find one on the internet

shortcomp said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
shortcomp said...

Would just like to compliment you, not only on your concepts, but also on making this technology freely availiable, and as such, valuing the theory of HCI and education above money.

I have also backed up this comment by making a donation, and encourage anyone that is taking advantage of this technology do the same.

Dylan said...

Does anybody know how I can pair the wiimote to the pc? I set it up via bluetooth but then it asks for a do I enter the key into the device and what is the passkey? If you could help that would be nice...

Unknown said...

To those thinking that to get a 3d glasses systems (polarized, red/blue, shutter) working you need to position horizontally relative to the display, it's not true.
What happens, is that the software that produces the 3d images (left-eye and right-eye images) assume that you are positioning horizontally relative to the display. If you use a VR tracking system like that, you can 'tell' the software that produces the 3d images to make them according to your inclination angle and position.

Unknown said...

really stuck Johnny! what does the vr require. Instead of the SDK, I downloaded the end user runtime thing. it works when i disable "visual themes" and "desktop composition" but if i don't, it says cannot initialize direct 3D..???? HEELP PLease. The wiimote IS connected as i can use your "wiimote whiteboard" but i have looked on your forum for it to no avail. I await your response Mr G

Unknown said...

by the way an addition to my previous post, it also says error reading wiimote...

LBriscoe said...

Wow. late AND Overpriced?

Unknown said...

Any one know how to get two different images as targets at any one time? Have seen a vid on youtube doing this..

Ellis2ca said...

Hello Johnny,

I have read comments advising you to get a job with Nintendo, etc.

Definitely and absolutely, do NOT apply for a job with Nintendo, or with anybody else...

You must form your own company, and then offer your services to Nintendo, and to Apple, and to Microsoft, and to N-Vidia, and to Sony, etc...

And I think you already have enough to develop a great product that would sell already... and you can already get some big money backing you if you take your ideas to the right people.

Money is not everything, but it sure comes in useful so that you can work more and more, to develop to help more people.

I have no doubt that what you have done will some day be applied to save people's lives, for example: to train medical students, or to train firemen...

If you need start-up capital, I can think of many ways that you can get it, and I will be glad to partner with you too... but you don't need partners, you need a team of internet marketers.

Great job, Johnny. Congratulations.

Ellis Toussier
(The Incredible Dirty Old Man Who Does Not Grow Older...)

Dice said...

Hey Ellis,

Johnny Lee is now working for Microsoft in Applied Sciences. So I have no doubt that he is paying the bills just fine :)


Ellis2ca said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

I was wondering if someone could tell me if there are drivers for this so i can use this concept in my Flying Sims.

Could you please email me at

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Patrick L said...

I know this is ADVANCED discussion, but how do you change from targets to the stadium picture?

dawnsong7 said...

Ha, this might be a really stupid question, but what the hell . . .
Could you make infared gloves, maybe? So instead of using a pen, it would almost be like a touch-screen. Would that be possible, or am I a complete idiot?


mirak said...


I fail to replicate the same effect.

The projection is just wrong, and the dynamic anamorphosis isn't correct.

I entered the correct height of the monitor and the distance between the ir dots, set the wiimote on top of screen.

The wiimote seems to track very well the dots, however the viewpoint gives à wrong perspective.

I use freetrack, and the dots are tracked fine.

Maybe my IR leds are not the one exepected by the wiimote to understand the correct depth of the dots ?

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sidestep the refresh rate problem of trying to create shutter style 3d, as the glasses usually use a separate lcd screen for each eye.
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algomix said...

Greetings Mr. Lee,

Thanks a lot for your very inspiring work! Earlier this year I decided to experiment with iPhone / iPod touch development and decided to adapt the WiiDesktopVR head-tracking technology for that platform. The result is called "iDesktopVR" and uses the accelerometers to detect the screen orientation from a reference pose set by the user. You can download the application from the App Store here:


Anonymous said...

Hello everybody. We are a Audiovisual communication student´s group and we are thinking about use the Head Tracking for Desktop VR Displays using the Wii Remote in one of our projects.

Allthought, we have a little problem: we want to substitute background picture (the photo of the football stadium) for a auto-recorded video creation. we don´t know where introduce the changes in the code to do it.

Thank you very much for your attention. We hope you could help us, because we are very very amateur in this case.


Unknown said...

im not a pro in these tech stuff
but i would like to try it on my pc.
i want to transform my lcd monitor in to an interactive monitor. do i have to download the whiteboard software and is there any specific software for interactive lcd monitor

Joshua Barnett said...

I wonder if it would be some how possible to integrate both the Head Tracking with Polarized-Stereoscopic 3D, without breaking the illusion. So have you actually attempted it, also to further push the envelope imagine using one of those super expensive 3D Projects they have in the theatres on this beasts:

Brent Domann said...

I haven't been through all of the comments and apologize if this has been asked, but I had a question about polarized glasses. Instead of using polarized glasses to deliver a different image to each eye, would it be possible instead to use polarized glasses to deliver different images to different users?

It appears to me that the Wii tracking rig is just giving the computer or console a location for the viewer and is calculating the render from the vantage point of that user in the rendered space. If the processors could handle it, couldn't the system be calibrated to account for two users standing, say, 30 degrees apart and deliver a separate set of images for each user?

Respective images could be delivered to each of two viewers in alternating images run at a double frame rate. Polarized images and lenses could serve to filter out inappropriate vantage points between users instead of between each eye for each user.

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fuleo said...

It's people like Johnny that maximize the potential of small-time Wii machine. He'd probably rule the universe with a PS3... =P

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