Friday, December 21, 2007

"Unable to launch the DesktopVR program"

blarg.... a number of people have been reporting a "Wiimote FishtankVR has encountered a problem" error. but whom are able to run my other programs. Unfortunately, I can't replicate the error on any of my computers and I'm leaving for the holidays. So, fixes may be slow for the next 2 weeks. If you can shed some light on this, please add a comment to this post and I'll upload a fixed version once this problem is hashed out.

Deleting the "config.dat" file and re-running the program may help.
Installing the most recent version of DirectX may help.

(update 12/30/07) I also got some suggestions that this might be due to a "x86/x64 linkage problem" related to 64-bit version of Windows. The program needs to be recompiled for this. I'll try to post a new version sometime in the next few weeks.


Johnny Chung Lee said...

according to user sj, he encountered an FileNotFound exception. The only files the program touches are the texture maps and the config.dat file. It should catch problems with the config.dat file, but I don't believe it does with the texture maps. Though, assuming the texture files are there.... it should run.

I'm not sure what the problem is, and not being able to replicate it leaves me in the dark.

Unknown said...

I have this problem and when I deleted config.dat, the problem has stopped, however, I was unable to go further because I have not Direct3D ^^'.
If this could help someone....

Sorry for my bad english, I speak french and I was helped by Google Translator.

Andrew said...

Here's the full exception:

{"Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.DirectX, Version=1.0.2902.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.":"Microsoft.DirectX, Version=1.0.2902.0, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35"}

The problem seems to be that I don't have that version of the Managed DirectX library on my computer. I'll try downloading the MDX SDK.. I've been meaning to learn DirectX in C#, anyway. :)
Maybe there's some redistributable binaries you should have packed along with the app?

Andrew said...

It looks like we need the exact version of the Managed DirectX libraries you used. It appears that it wants the April '06 version of the MDX library. So far I've tracked down the right versions of Microsoft.DirectX.dll and Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.dll, but not the right version of Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DX.dll. I'll post again if I find success.

SJ said...

Thanks for the response johnny. I think it does seem like it has something to do with the DirectX SDK (since the texture and config files are there).

I'll download the SDK you linked to on your Wii projects website and then get back to you.

Anonymous said...

Installing the lastest mdx sdf is the solution. Works. Gj.

Chris said...

I installed the DirectX SDK 9.0c August 2006 pack and it now loads up with the following error "Could not initialize Direct3D. The tutorial will now exit" Some progress past the fishtankvr error.

Chris said...
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SJ said...

Ok I found a fix. I downloaded the April 2007 version of the DirectX SDK which Johnny posted on his Wii projects page.

It does look pretty cool...are you going to post the football stadium one too?

Andrew said...

I installed the SDK and seemed to get past those problems.. but now I can't get my Thinkpad's bluetooth adapter to hold a connection with the Wiimote. I give up for tonight. >:(

Ben Sumner said...

Hey, I have tried this on two different machines, and have run into different errors on each. The first is a MacbookPro running XP pro SP2, the other is a XP Pro x64 Desktop.

On the Macbook Pro, it loads to a full black screen, seems like it's about to go, then it dissapears back to my desktop.

On the x64 Desktop, I immedialy get the typical windows "this program crashed, send error report?" Dialog box.

On both, the wiimote is connected, as I can use glvepie with it.

Any chance of you writing a glovepie script that can work with a less specifically coded program? Like just a program that displays the same stuff, but gets it's values from glovepie or something? I have never found a program that works with the wiimotes aside from glovepie on my computers.

Anyways, from what I can see, this is beautiful and I hoep developers catch on, Nice job! (please a Win-x64 or OS-X port!)

Josh said...

I fixed this problem but now I keep getting another:'Could not initialize Direct3D. This tutorial will exit.'

I tried to recompile from SharpDevelop, and the debugger gives this output:

'0 \\?\hid#vid_045e&pid_0023#7&34aa9ece&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030} 0
1 \\?\hid#vid_056a&pid_00b0&col01#6&5b05f29&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030} 0
2 \\?\hid#vid_056a&pid_00b0&col02#6&5b05f29&0&0001#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030} 0
3 \\?\hid#vid_05ac&pid_0221&mi_00#8&3b357749&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030} 0
4 \\?\hid#vid_05ac&pid_0221&mi_01#8&29bdb6e7&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030} 0
5 \\?\hid#vid_05ac&pid_1000&mi_00#7&1366fd9f&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030} 0
6 \\?\hid#vid_05ac&pid_1000&mi_01#7&373e3b61&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030} 0
7 \\?\hid#vid_05ac&pid_8240#6&31a3197f&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030} 0
8 \\?\hid#{00001124-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb}_vid&0002057e_pid&0306#8&3d10285&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030} 0
9 \\?\hid#{00001124-0000-1000-8000-00805f9b34fb}_vid&0002057e_pid&0306#8&ee8ae20&0&0000#{4d1e55b2-f16f-11cf-88cb-001111000030} 0
Found it!
Unknown report type: 34'
I've no idea what that means.

I'm runing Vista under Boot Camp on my 20" iMac, and if anyone could help I'd really appreciate it. This thing is so cool!

Anonymous said...

i get the direct 3d error any clue on wat file needs to be downloaded is it like a directx file

guy said...

thanks for your help SJ, the link yo sent worked perfectly.

iubo said...

still getting this problem, I downloaded and installed the SDK that SJ linked to, rebooted. But it still crashes.

On Vista ultimate 32bit

any ideas? thanks

Paul said...

I received the "program has encountered a problem" error and installing the latest directX drivers has resolved the issue for me.

Goldberg said...

At first, I just got the file not found error, but when I installed the thing SJ posted, now it goes to full screen black, and THEN gives me the file not found error.

Hmm, I was really looking forward to trying this.

I don't think GlovePIE would work on this because GlovePIE doesn't give you data from the IR camera, just buttons and accelerometer data.

Anonymous said...

Wow talk about spreading false info.
Of course Glovepie gives ir information.

Unknown said...

I was getting the same problem (Vista in case that's an issue). What made it work for me was setting it to run in windowed mode ( bool doFullscreen = false;). I know this isn't fixing the problem so much as finding a work-around, but hopefully it can help.

Goldberg said...
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Goldberg said...

Ryan, I tried what you said, but it still goes into fullscreen and then crashes... strange.

gershon said...

ryan, where in the code did you insert that bool?

Matt said...

The DirectX SDK does look like the issue, just make sure it installs correctly. When I first extracted it, it decided to run an ATI Catalyst Control Center setup for some odd reason. After that, running WiiDesktopVR gave me the error. So I decided to manually install the SDK from the default location it extracts to:

C:\Documents and Settings\"User"\Local Settings\Temp\Redist\DXSETUP.exe

After that, the program ran just fine.

@ sj: if you hit 'b' it will display the stadium pic as a background. A few other keys toggle the display of the grid, targets, and lines.

Shaun said...
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Shaun said...

Ok, I got the SDK, and it gives new errors, one saying "Could not start Direct3D."

I'll try some of the samples...

Where should the SDK be installed?

Shaun said...

Ok I got it to work in XP, but Vista was a problem, but it works, so yay.

Make sure you get some distance from the screen before trying it, and do measure your screen to fill the config, it makes a difference.


James Surine said...

I was able to fix the start-up crash "is not a valid Win32 application" by recompiling with x86 instead of any CPU. The wiimote DLL used only supports x86 but the app finds a x64 bit cpu and attempts to run using that and fails before any of the code is executed. The latest version of the wiimote DLL will support x64 so Johnny should upgrade to that.

GizmoTheGreen said...

it wont run at all for me, no error no excepåtion, nada :(

Goldberg said...

Argh, I installed the SDK, deleted the config file, made the fullscreen false, but still, it's not working.

Shaun said...

Make sure you are using ( 32BIT ) Windows XP, install the April 2007 SDK linked above ( 441MB ) AND the latest DirectX runtime files dx9c ( for XP ) and delete the config file, make sure you are using bluesoleil bluetooth drivers and connect them as noted in the tutorials. Connect them before starting the program, and it should all work!

I just held the sensor bar with my mouth, and voila it all works!

Obviously this won't work for everyone, so give some details before u complain it doesn't work.

Also remember to restart after you install all the above, even if it's not prompted.

Goldberg said...

Where do I get the DirectX runtime files? And BlueSoleil never works for me, does the windows thing work?

Unknown said...

I got it working after setting bool doFullscreen = false;, and here's how to do it if anyone else has the same problem and wants to try it out.

First, you need a C# IDE. I use Visual Studio 2008 Express. After installing, open up WiiDesktopVR.csproj, and wait for it to load. Then, go back to Explorer and double click on WiiDesktopVR.cs. This'll open within the IDE window.

Once you have code on your screen, push CTRL+F, and type "doFullscreen". The first result should be a variable definition. Set it to false. Lastly, push F6, let it compile, quit, then navigate to bin>release>WiiDesktopVR.exe. It worked for me, so it might work for you.

Unknown said...

Could somebody who has recompiled this app successfully please post it somewhere? I have tried to get this to work for the past two days with no success, and I can't even get it to recompile with bleh7777's instructions--I get all sorts of errors, so obviously I either have the wrong files, or the right files in the wrong place or something.

I can get my Wiimote to connect (using windows drivers on Vista--I tried to download the Bluesoleil but it couldn't find my bluetooth dongle) and it works with the test program for the library, and intermittently with GlovePie (don't know why it's intermittent, but it won't work consistently), but I have so far had no luck with any of Johnny's apps :-(

Unknown said...

Yeah its weird. I followed all the instructions and downloaded the correct sdk etc... Couldnt get it to work. THen i downloaded C# and tried recompiling it so it wouldnt do full screen... Still didnt work. I have the newest Dirext X and the April SDK. I got the witeboard project to work just fine but not this one or the IR tracking one...

Shaun said...

There's no need to recompile the code, it works fine as long as you use 32bit XP, and the blue soliel drivers.

You need DirectX 9c installed ( get it from a game, ) and the DirectX April07 SDK ( Linked above! )

If you still get an error, delete the config, and it should work a treat.

Unknown said...

I didn't even need the SDK, just installed the 'DirectX End-User Runtime Web Installer' from microsoft website.

Works fine, cool stuff :)

Unknown said...

when I try to run the DesktopVR program, it says "Application Error" followed by this message:"The application failed to initialize properly(0xc0000135)."

What can it be??

aki said...

WiiRemote motion capture + 3D sound

Unknown said...

For those of you who got it working... Does an error message appear when you run the exe without first running any bluetooth connection. I have tried all sdk's and directx installs and i think it may have something to do with my vid card. Ive had more problems with it than anything. Im running a Gforce 7900 gtx go on a laptop with the newest drivers. I have directx 9.0c and i tried the april and now november sdk's. What vid cards is everyone running. I would really like to get this working and I have spent the better part of 2 days working on it.

The Nautical News of Cranford said...

Peter, you need to download the final 2.0 NET Framework

Unknown said...

ha!! i managed to make it work!

woa, this is quite nice, and I think a bit of polishing will make it even better!

Unknown said...

Ok i decided to try to attempt debugging the program to see where my issue is (Look at the above posts) and given my limited programming experience I'm not too sure what this problem means. Here is a screenshot of the problem

Unknown said...

Sorry try this link

katzmatt said...

I HAVE FOUND THE SOLUTION just go under the bin folder then the debug folder and then run the wiidesktopVR.exe NOT the .vshost file, it worked for me with the

UpLGoZ said...

@ matt
thanks, with your solution the programm starts.
But i dont have a bluetooth dongle yet but i want to buy one.
Without the Wiimote connected the programm say "cannot find wiimote bla bla bal" when i click ok the programm shows no Targets just a grey window with nothin in it ? Is that correct without no wiimote or do i have to see the Targets even without a wiimote ?
Sorry my english isnt the best :)



Cory.Kennedy said...

The [\WiiDesktopVR\bin\Debug\WiiDesktopVR.exe] "solution" does indeed work. Just be sure you don't maximize the program, else it will crash. Then it will continue to crash going forward, to prevent future crashes in the event you maximize you will need to delete the config.dat from the debug folder.

I am running Vista 32bit fully patched( non SP1 RC1) using the following dongle. Model#: 9017 USB Bluetooth dongle. Purchased at microcenter for $9.99

Unknown said...

After some investigation and a lot of searching i found my problem. The code runs great until it enters this line of code

public void OnCreateDevice(object sender, EventArgs e)

Basically everything to that point doesnt doesnt cause an issue and I cant find whats wrong other than my video drivers etc causing the error. I am running .net 3.5 and some changes vs 2.0 might also be triggering it. I will continue to investigate and post the results in case anyone else comes across a similar problem.

Luke said...
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weck9406 said...

I thought the hardest part was going to be getting the Wii remotes to connect to my laptop, but that happened pretty flawlessly. I ended up getting the same Exception problem. I knew my DirectX was out of date so I updated that with DirectX 10 and that did the trick. Also something to note, I was able to connect the Wii remotes using the ConfigFree software that came preinstalled on my Toshiba Tecra running Windows XP Professional. Just thought you'd like to know.

Unknown said...

So I've been trying and trying for several days now, with no obvious success. I have tried to install the Bluesoleil drivers (version 5), and they don't do a thing...I try to "start bluetooth" and nothing happens. In short, that version seems to have no clue that there's a usb bluetooth dongle sitting there.

I tried installing v 2.3 of Bluesoleil also, which resulted in an instant bluescreen of death the moment I tried to run the drivers. In perusing the web I found that apparently v 3.0 of the drivers work with Vista, but I have had no luck in tracking these mythical drivers down.

So the short question here is this:
Has anyone managed to get this to work on Vista, with Microsoft's bluetooth drivers? If not, where can I get the Bluesoleil drivers that actually work?


Chris said...

If you are having a problem running the WiiDesktopVR application, it is probably because you do not have the latest version of DirectX. You do not need DirectX SDK, just the End-User Runtime.

Also, it is not mentioned in the video or the instructions, though it is obvious, that the program will run through your computer on your computer screen and not through your Wii and on your television. Just mentioning this in case anyone case anyone was having that issue.

v said...

Can anyone think of a way to get this to run on Windows Vista 64-bit? When I try to run it, I instantly get an error which simply reads, "Wiimote FishtankVR has stopped working."

Unknown said...

Here's a link to a recompiled version with full screen disabled. Works for me in Windows XP 64-bit with the latest DirectX SDK (not sure if this is required). I'm also using WIDCOMM xp64 bluetooth software.

NoMoreFood said...

In general, recompiling to run explicitly in x86 architecture seemed to work on all my machines.

v said...

Thanks, Jason! The new recompile seems to actually run on my machine.

Now I am running into a problem where it won't detect my wiimote. Windows has paired with it, and the Wiimote Test program detects it just fine. I'll have to look into using different bluetooth drivers.

Unknown said...

Another solution that doesnt involve installing sdk's, directx, or drivers

Ok so I finally go the program to work. For those of you who are running into problems (and have tried the newest drivers, sdk, etc...) this might help. I was looking for the actual directx dll files online (not in the sdk package) and when i was replacing them in my windows/system32 folder I noticed I had d3dx10.dll files. Well I have a geforce 7900 gtx card which runs on directx 9.0

Figuring I had random extra dll files for dx10 I removed them. Then wollah it worked fine. I must say its pretty annoying since I spent sooo much time trying to figure it out. SO anyone that still has problems try Moving these files to another folder and running it (note i havent restarted the comp yet but i dont forsee any problems.

Unknown said...

Johhny, couldn't you replicate the microsoft surface with the wii remote? Make a surface with the wii remote derneath it and have what you are touching the screen then you could control what goes on without seeing the remote? But to go further make it 3d as well with you wearing the sensor and able to interact with the surface?

kslice said...
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kslice said...

I seem to be having a rather uncommon problem that I haven't seen mentioned much on here:

I have finally gotten the program to run..but with one problem. It tells me it cannot find a Wii Remote. I've tried everything I could think of to solve the problem, yet, no luck. This really makes no sense, seeing as how I can use GlovePie and Mii Transfer perfectly fine.

I have tried both the BlueSoleil drivers and the Windows Bluetooth Stack...still no luck.

Any ideas to this "new" problem would be nice.

I did run into the "Could not initialize...exiting tutorial" problem, but I just restarted the program and (other than the fact that it can't find my Wii Remote), all was working fine.

Any suggestions?

P.S. - I am running Windows XP Pro SP2, if this helps any of you out. I've been working with Wiimote BlueTooth Technologies for a while now.

Ritesh said...


I've made some modifications (fixes) to your code that should fix the fullscreen issues (AKA "Wiimote FishtankVR has encountered a problem") that people are having.

Unfortunately the changes are too big to post here, so just leave a message here if you want my updated code.

pantherflo said...

My only problem right now is, that I can't connect my Wii Remote to my PC.
I am using BlueSoleil 5.05. 178 and my mobile phone is found instantly.
What do I have to do to connect the Wiimote?
Thanks in advance.

kslice said...

pantherflo - Is your version of BlueSoleil registered (licensed)?

I noticed when I tried downloading the newest version from their site (since I couldn't find my disk at that moment), it wasn't licensed and for some reason, would not let me connect my Wii Remote to my computer.

Also, make sure that after installing any new drivers (and BlueSoleil) that you reboot your computer. Other than that, just make sure you follow the tutorial he gave a link to in his main post.

Unknown said...

Ritesh - Cool, I would like to try your fix for the fullscreen issue if possible. Would you be able to put your changes on or somewhere and post the link?


Ritesh said...


Find the InitializeGraphics() function in WiiDesktopVR.cs (the code for the main form).

Replace it with the following:

(Note the added function)

Jared E Hildebrandt said...

Hi, i have used Ritesh's alteration for the screen size, and was able to compile fine. I am still getting the 'Cannot find WiiMote error'. I have the WiiMoteTest, and am able to use that and all my key presses are registered.

I am using the Windows bluetooth adaptor since my laptop(Lenovo Thinkpad T60p) has built in bluetooth. I tried the BlueSoleil, but the download said it would take 5+ hours so i canceled. Have others been able to make this work without the BlueSoleil?

Ritesh, is it still supposed to launch in full screen mode? Or do i need to make the edit that i saw in an earlier post to set it to false?

Anonymous said...

Will the DesktopVR program work with a Mac?

Anonymous said...

"Find the InitializeGraphics() function in WiiDesktopVR.cs (the code for the main form).

Replace it with the following:"

so i go to that page and get the code, paste it instead of InitializeGraphics() but leave the public bool bit before it?

Unknown said...

Had same problems as the most people here, now it works. I just updated my directX to the latest version. This is my setting

1. Runs under XP
2. latest directX version
3. i have no DX SDK installed
4. i have BlueSoleil (newest version, had no problems connecting the WiiMote)
5. the normal version ran as well as the "debug" version, which is windowed
6. going fullscreen makes it crash
7. it ran even after deleting the config.dat, so it might be safe to give it a try

Hope it helps, thanks for your comments. Thanks to Johnny's research i am now really interested in playing around with the WiiMote, but besides Action Script and PHP i have no serious programming skills. Does anyone know a good start for WiiMote programming tutorials? I would prefer Linux/Ubuntu, but XP would be OK as well.

Lobo said...
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Lobo said...

Jared: I managed to get mine working without BlueSoleil by downloading the latest bluetooth drivers for my laptop. It's not Lenovo though, it's ASUS, so I don't know if that would help with your situation. It is possible to get it working without BlueSoleil though.

Changing topic: Is there any way you could post up the recompiled executable with Ritesh's changes? I've only managed to get Jason's non-widescreen executable working so far so i'd really appreciate it.

gabort said...

Initially, I got the same runtime error. After changing the screen size in the config.dat file however, it has been running ok. It's worth a try, if you are having trouble starting it.

Ritesh said...

Jared - My changes have nothing to do with bluetooth/not being able to find the wiimote errors. They only deal with getting the application to run in fullscreen.

If it helps any, I'm not using the bluesoleil thing, but the drivers that shipped with my bluetooth USB dongle and it works fine.

Alex - I'm not sure what you mean. You just need to select the entire InitializeGraphics() function (from "public bool InitializeGraphics()" up to and including "}") and replace that selection with my modified code.

Jared E Hildebrandt said...

Ritesh, i knew your changes had nothing to do with getting the Wiimote conectted. Questions i had for you:
is it still supposed to launch in full screen mode? Or do i need to make the edit that i saw in an earlier post to set it to false?

Others, i tried it with the bluesoleil, was still getting errors. I will try getting latest drivers for the my built in bluetooth and then try again.

Unknown said...

If anyone with XP SP2 and .NET 2.0 installed experienced the .NET 2.0 Runtime Error "Wiimote FishtankVR has encountered a problem and needs to close" error (due to module Kernel32.dll), I may have the solution for you!

Even though my error message didn't sound like the people with DirectX issues, I downloaded and installed the DirectX SDK November 2007 ( After that Johnny's program worked, and I went ahead and uninstalled the 700MB SDK and tried just the 64MB DirectX November 2007 End-User Runtimes ( which also seemed to work.

Should have NO problems after that! Have fun!

MadManMike said...

Jason: It also worked for me after I downloaded your version and ran it. (I am using windows xp prof X64 ed.) Do you think you could implement Ritesh's code so that we can do full screen? I tried but I am having issues with compiling the file.


Dice said... Is now up and running.

I have talked with Johnny and We are going to make it the official support forums for his Wiimote Projects. Please register there and start sharing your wisdom :)

If anyone would like to help with the site please PM dice on the new site. (thats me ;) )

olimarioa said...

Hey guys.
I don't know too much about this kind of stuff, but I wanted to comment on the "Direct3D" error people have been getting.

I think it has to do with the monitor you use. The program works fine on my 19inch Dell LCD, but I get the "Direct3D" error when I hook up my PC to my Samsung DLP Television through VGA.

Hope that helps out.

Unknown said...

thanks andrew,

if that can help someone,
i'm running Vista 32bits on a HP Pavilion dv6000, i needed a bluetooth usb key cause the integrated peripheral didn't work

i had the "fishtank vr" error, and
since i installed the 64MB november 2007 DirectXSDK package, it works ! at least in windowed mode...

thanks again Johnny Lee, you're just awesome !


ps: if you need a 2D/3D designer to improve the interface, just send me an email :

Gibbo said...

I've installed all the net framework thingies as said in the readme first but when i double click on the wiimotefishtankvr exe, it shows the cursor with an hourglass for about a second, then nothing happens, no error, no setup, it just acts as if i haven't clicked anything! This has happened on all the computers I have tried, can anyone help?

Unknown said...

My problem solved by instal this:

Unknown said...

Sorry! This: DirectX End-User Runtime Web Installer

HalBran said...

For those who cannot start the program, try to lower your desktop resolution. 800x600 worked for me.

Unknown said...

using (WiiDesktopVR frm = new WiiDesktopVR()) on mainloop gives error:

DLL 'C:\WINDOWS\assembly\GAC\Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D\1.0.2902.0__31bf3856ad364e35\Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3D.dll' is attempting managed execution inside OS Loader lock. Do not attempt to run managed code inside a DllMain or image initialization function since doing so can cause the application to hang.

I use winxp pro 32 and dx sdk & dx9 .0 is installed. I run code from trusted site (c:\). I try with precompiled exe and with c# 2008 express compiled. Somekind version problem?

Unknown said...

For x64 users. Seems that you need compile that project with platform target is forced to x86. Otherwice you get error:
System.BadImageFormatException was unhandled
Message=" is not a valid Win32 application. (Exception from HRESULT: 0x800700C1)"

After I fix that I get that same what I get on my 32bit laptop.

DLL 'C:\WINDOWS\assembly\GAC\Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DX\1.0.2911.0__31bf3856ad364e35\Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3DX.dll' is attempting managed execution inside OS Loader lock. Do not attempt to run managed code inside a DllMain or image initialization function since doing so can cause the application to hang. But I didint find solution for that yet

MadManMike said...

Do you think you could upload your compiled x64 ed. I have a limited knowledge of programming, I have tried to compile it in x64 ed with no luck.

Were you able to use it in full screen?

Or you could email it to me and I can host it on my website.

Email =

Thanks much,

Unknown said...

Hello, i can run the program but it freezes and gives me and error code about .net framework. can someone please help

Unknown said...

im have a very strange problem.

I have that Direct3D but wen i open Wii desktop VR could not inisalize Direct3D


sry for my bad english im a swidish kid on just on nine years old:P

Ryan Haas said...

where do you get the infared light emmitters for the sides of the saftey glasses for head tracking?

james said...

i keep getting the Could initialize direct 3d shutting down touturial what should i do

Mr_cat said...

This one might help you for Vista...
Right click the wiidesktopvr.exe file properties and go to compatability tab.
Turn on Disable Desktop Composition and run the program again.
It works for me :)

Unknown said...

I'm running Windows Vista Ultimate 64bit (I expected problems from the start) from an HP with integrated bluetooth. I can't get bluesoleil to work because it recognize my hardware. It connects to my wiimote with the default drivers so I'm not sure if that will be a problem. Anyways it the program wouldn't start saying that "Wiimote FishtankVR has stopped working." I downloaded Jason's compiled version and it did better. I got a dialouge box saying that there was an error with my wiimote data and asked if it was properly connected. After that the program popped up but all it showed was gray and when my cursor was within the program's borders it would disappear. Any suggestions for the solution here?

andsens said...

Tapio: Forcing it to x86 helped!! Now I get another error message but that's solvable too I guess.

Anonymous said...

NTTDoCoMo has developed something kinda like this for cell phones, check it out here

Unknown said...

Hello Johnny

thank you very much for sharing your knowledge with all of us. i m a MA student in Digital Arts at UAL in London. I got inspired from your 'head tracking' project and i want to use it to create a digital environment. My question is how can i change the 3D image you have used and replace it with another one? What kind of files can i use, 3d studio? cinema 4d files? Thanks again! Nikos

chris said...

HI got it all up and running, but the bluetooth connection doesent last long when using the desktop vr app. Is anyone having the same problem.
oh i'm using xp 32 and bluesoleil.

Unknown said...


Great job you did. But, is there any chance to use the same program with a Track IR instead of a Wiimote ?

I didn't try your software since you say, the program is based on the wiimote library. So I suppose It wouldn't work with the Track IR from Natural Point.

Unknown said...

I have an odd problem, im on a Dell XPS laptop with built in bluetooth.

I can compile/run your other programs just fine, and I can also run the wiimote lib test program just fine.

However with DesktopVR it says it cannot find my wiimote. Any ideas?

D'artiste said...

Johnny, face it, as good as it looks on your video blog, it doesnt work. You should not make people think this can be done anywhere by giving those steps because there are just too many problems being encountered. You must master it before you start teaching.

Unknown said...

got the Fishtank error thing, but the minimizing the window worked out fine. But, I want it full screen! Is there a way to adjust the size of the minimized window? I tried dragging the bottom corner, but it crashed it.

Unknown said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

I had a couple problems, and appears to have been solved when I installed the DirectX SDK... Johnnny said somewhere that he had this installed on his computer, so may have used some system variables. Well hope help someone...

CzEmpire said...

Has anyone ever debug the numeric returned from remote.WiimoteState.IRState.RawX1 and remote.WiimoteState.IRState.RawY1

because i am not sure the calculation part when i dare to restructure the formula

DanG said...

running 32 bit Windows XP SP3, I got the "Wiimote FishtankVR has encountered a problem and needs to close." problem trying to run WiiDesktopVR. I installed the August 2008 DirectX files, and that seemed to clear up the error above, and WiiDesktopVR works fine. YMMV, but it does seem to be something to do with updating DirectX. Thanks for contributing WiiDesktopVR, this is a lot of fun. Best regards, -- DanGJavaGeek

jimbobucuss said...

I'm experienceing the problem where whenever I try to run the program it says it has stopped working! I tried deleting the config.dat and I'm sure my wiimote is connected but it just dosent seem to work! a few things you said like the C# thing I didnt really understand and I think thats probably the reason for my problem. If anyone could please have the time to make a "for dummies" version of how to open the program without using too much technical language? (Oh yeah and i'm running windows vista)

Snake.Zero said...

Hello,i guest u r a chinese.
I have a suit of polarization glasses,i don't know it can be used in this project or not.
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nshaw said...

Hi all

When using the stadium background I seem to get a backward view when moving forward and backward. ie when I lean forward the stadium gets smaller and when I lean back it gets bigger. Any idea how to change this in the code?
Thanks tons

pifles said...

Congratulation johnny.

I think that I have got a problem.
The program run ok, left, right, up and down but I haven't zoon in and out when I move close or far to the monitor ???

pifles said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lee said...

I have a similar problem to ksclice it looks like. Wiimote connected to pc fine and can use the other programs but in desktopvr in xp pro sp3 it says it cant detect the wiimote for some reason, any thoughts?

casiocalculator said...

hey, i can't download the BlueSoleil program and i was wondering what other bluetooth drivers work with a pc vista-32 bit, thanks

Unknown said...

If you're interested in a version that has several fixes, check this forum post:

Marco said...

I had problems but now it's all working. Posted my experience in

Unknown said...

Adding to the problem's info.

I had Windows XP Professional 32-bit, with service pack 2, .net 2.0 and 3.5, Direct X 9.0c.

my error report was filenotfound.

i downloaded and installed the april 2007 end user runtime here:

it now works.

NJKK said...

Hi Everyone!

When i'm opening the progam an error is commming up saying ;
"Cannot finda a wiiremote ,
is it connected ? "

Whats the problem?, i've connected the wiiremote in Blusoleil and it worked there....

Unknown said...

FIX, well this fixed it for me. i run vista 32bit home, cheep 4 year old Bluetooth dongle. i could not get it to run, first it would not start, then it would would crash with the fish error. to overcome this and also multigrid (same issue. first i downloaded the DirectX SDK ( this should then make it boot, but still crash. then right click on the .exe, compadability and select; xp service pack 2, 256 colors, 640x480, disable display on high dpi settings, run as admin. and boom.. it should work in full screen. hope it helps.

Unknown said...

oh and u can change the settings file, but U HAVE TO leave the screen resolution on 0 (auto) or it crashes, (as u have told compadibility to run to a dif reso)

Ben Lowe said...

FIX FOR VISTA FISHTANK ERROR: just righclick on the .exe, compatibility tab, disable desktop composition.

Unknown said...

Just solved in my pc. Update your DX runtime:

Luke McAdams said...

Unhandled exception has occured in a component in you application. if you click continue, the application will ignore this error and attempt to continue.

What does this mean?

Unknown said...

Has anyone found what this error might mean:

unhandled exception has occured in your application

I have no clue what this means. It is the first error to pop up, and when you continue from there it then says no wiimote can be found followed by the 3d driver being unable to be located.

Anyone know?

JEzu said...

Finally solved the "could not initiate direct3d" problem. As easy as attaching an external monitor to my laptop

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reen said...
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reen said...

OK guys, I have searched high and low to find a solution to this error, but I cannot. I installed the SDK and am still getting the error. Any other ideas? My Blog : earn money chao!

Unknown said...

I don't believe it does with the texture maps. Though, assuming the texture files are there.... it should run.
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I'll try downloading the MDX SDK.. I've been meaning to learn DirectX in C#, anyway. :)
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GUNNM said...

Work on Windows seven 64 , after recompiling in 32bits and with the textures moved in the application folder.
It worked but not in fullscreen.

Thx Johnny

Anonymous said...

I had the issue on a freshly built PC, XP Pro, SP2 , Installed the latest DirectX, worked fine after that.
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Works. Gj. Installing the lastest mdx sdf is the solution.

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aweseome blogger said...

but whom are able to run my other programs.
cara meninggikan badan Unfortunately, I can't replicate the error on any of my computers and I'm leaving for the holidays.

Jonathan said...

Dude you need to clean your comments...

I can't get this to work on my Windows 7 64bit machine. Whatever version of the .exe I run it says: "Wiimote FishtankVR has stopped working".

aweseome blogger said...

. The program needs to be recompiled for this. I'll try to post a new version sometime in the next few weeks.tinggi badan

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ICMfx: Bringging Together the Forex Community said...

As a newbie, this article was really helpful, thanks for sharing!

Anonymous said...

Is this necessary to install Microsoft DirectX Version=1.0.2902.0,
Isn't it possible to install the Microsoft DirectX latest version??

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Anonymous said...

Did you fixed up the problem running DesktopVR program?

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Anonymous said...

i have discovered a flaw in the cartesian plane used in opengl and direct 3D i was hoping you would check out. i believe the z axis is too angled for producing squares and planes, also having the z axis move towards the center of the x and y causes the stereo cameras are crossing. you can see this happen using a maya demo. convergence is a bad thing for stereo.
I believe that two cartesian planes are going to be needed to correctly produce stereo, one slightly altered.
if you like you can have someone analize the z axis using maya, making a plane (or mayas ground) horizontal, then taking a square cd cover and drawing flat lines on it. you will easily see it is impossible for the lines on the cd cover to match and that direct x is producing obtuse squares and planes. this is also affecting stereo by not being able to see behind squares as well as drawing and graphic capability as converging points are something that happens to large objects at a distance but very little convergence happens to objects up close, wich is why i believe open gl and directx 3d have had enlarge problems. also if you notice in maya using the zoom, the zoom is actualy the movement camera and the camera is moving along the z axis towards the center of the ground square causing problems for camera movement and graphics of anything flying. what needs to happen I believe is guesswork needs to stop and someone needs to take cameras for maya etc. and objects and actualy measure and use videofootage, measuring size of object relating to distance,etc. photo and video footage instead of math guesswork, if your going to wonder how something moves around something, dont guess on computer, use video footage of you moving around something etc. good luck. also i believe one of the pictures needs to be very slightly tilted using stereo, about 3 degrees (try left image, leaving right alone) or so (1 degree being straight up), as well as lines straight up and down are angular and have convergence just as horizontal distance lines, but computer graphics are drawing all lines completely level straight up. also as objects get bigger drawn by computer, the camera needs to slow down and take more time to move around them as camera movement speed is static in relation to real world objects.

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First of all, this is a great program! I only recently came across Johnny Lee's YouTube videos, they're awesome!

Secondly, I installed Windows 7 on my Mac just to try it out, only to find Desktop VR would crash on startup. After much troubleshooting I finally got it working. Here are the steps I took.

1 - I used this 64 bit version of Desktop VR from

2 - I installed this version of the DirectX SDK.

3 - I installed this version of DirectX 9c.

4 - Restart computer!

5 - I deleted the config.DAT file in /WiiDesktopVR_x64/bin/release.

6 - I used Smoothboard to connect the Wiimote.

7 - Then launched WiiDesktopVR from within the /WiiDesktopVR_x64/bin/release folder.(The WiiDesktopVR in the main folder does not work for me.)


Don't forget to set your options in the config.DAT file. Screen hight and sensor bar width etc.

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I installed the SDK, deleted the config file, made the fullscreen false, but still, it's not working can anybody solve my problem.

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combattery84 said...

HP F4809A Battery
HP nc8000 battery
HP nc8230 battery
HP pavilion zd8000 battery
HP f2024b battery
HP f4812a battery
HP Pavilion ZV5000 battery
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HP F4098A battery
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HP omnibook xe4400 battery
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Notebook NX9110 battery
IBM 02K6821 battery
IBM 02K7054 battery
IBM 08K8195 battery
IBM 08K8218 battery
IBM 92P1089 battery
IBM Thinkpad 390 Series battery
IBM Thinkpad 390X battery
IBM ThinkPad Z61m Battery
IBM 02K7018 Battery
IBM thinkpad t41p battery
IBM ThinkPad R60 Battery

combattery84 said...

IBM ThinkPad T60 Battery
IBM ThinkPad T41 Battery
IBM ThinkPad T43 Battery
IBM ThinkPad X40 Battery
Thinkpad x24 battery
ThinkPad G41 battery
IBM thinkpad r52 battery
Thinkpad x22 battery
IBM thinkpad t42 battery
IBM thinkpad r51 battery
Thinkpad r50 battery
IBM thinkpad r32 battery
Thinkpad x41 battery
SONY VGP-BPS5 battery
SONY VGP-BPL2C battery
SONY VGP-BPS2A battery
SONY VGP-BPS2B battery
SONY PCGA-BP1N battery
SONY PCGA-BP2E battery
SONY PCGA-BP2S battery
SONY PCGA-BP2T battery
SONY PCGA-BP2V battery

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