Friday, December 21, 2007

"Unable to launch the DesktopVR program"

blarg.... a number of people have been reporting a "Wiimote FishtankVR has encountered a problem" error. but whom are able to run my other programs. Unfortunately, I can't replicate the error on any of my computers and I'm leaving for the holidays. So, fixes may be slow for the next 2 weeks. If you can shed some light on this, please add a comment to this post and I'll upload a fixed version once this problem is hashed out.

Deleting the "config.dat" file and re-running the program may help.
Installing the most recent version of DirectX may help.

(update 12/30/07) I also got some suggestions that this might be due to a "x86/x64 linkage problem" related to 64-bit version of Windows. The program needs to be recompiled for this. I'll try to post a new version sometime in the next few weeks.