Wednesday, December 12, 2007

Tracking Your Fingers with the Wiimote

Using an LED array and some reflective tape, you can use the infrared camera in the Wii remote to track objects, like your fingers, in 2D space. This lets you interact with your computer simply by waving your hands in the air similar to the interaction seen in the movie "Minority Report". The Wiimote can track upto 4 points simultaneously.

Link to my Wiimote Projects page.


  1. Very impressive! Seems like the perfect way to interact with Google earth or other mapping applications :)

  2. i thing this video can help you whith the 3d tracking you should see it and i thing the people from are the ones that are developing this.

    pd: sorry abaut the bad ortografy i´m mexican so i dont usually right in inglish

    i forgot to put this other link

  4. So if you had 3 or more Wiimotes could accurately calculate the position of your "markers" in 3D space? This I would like to see :)

    Yes I'm talking about motion capture from wiimotes. Not likely too practical for body capture but I'd use it for timing reference for facial animation.

  5. you're awesome, dude. Keep up the good work.

  6. Hi, thanks for the impressive video tutorial - just one question:
    Has anyone tried this in windows? With the Wii-whiteboard video, i noticed that the computer registered the presence of a IR light as a "mouse click" so turning your pen on and off would act as the left click.

    Now, obviously, we could do the same for the finger tracking, except this also makes it harder to use - with the pen, used like a pen on the screen, you could easily track where your pointer was before the click - it was wherever your pen was.

    With the finger, we can't as easily tell where our finger will be pointing, if we're keeping it not pointing at the screen so that it doesn't click, and when going to click, our finger is not a 2 state switch - a partial reflect could occur while straightening one's finger. The alternative to me seems to have a 2nd bluetooth device with a couple of buttons on it - 1 of which could be right click, 1 left click, and then a couple of hotkeys, if you felt like it.

  7. i thing the people from are the ones that are developing this.
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  8. This is very cool....

    Have you thought about trying little metal sewing thimbles instead of the reflective tape? They might be more convenient, you could just pop them on and off and they would last forever instead of mucking around with tape and scissors each time you used it.

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