Thursday, September 4, 2008

Working with the PixArt camera directly

This has been a pretty whirlwind past few months. Lots of things have happened, almost none of which procrastineering related which is why I haven't posted anything here. But, one of the things that I have poked at in the past few weeks was creating a PixArt to USB-HID device which allows the camera from the Wiimote to appear as a relatively easy to access USB device. This addresses several problems with using the Wiimote such as running off batteries for extended periods and flakey platform specific Bluetooth drivers. It's also possible to read from the Pixart cam at over 100Hz if you read directly via I2C as well as track visible dots once you remove the IR filter. Of course, none of this was discovered by me. All credit belongs to the numerous individuals who have contributed thier knowledge to the various Wiimote hacking websites. Normally, this project wouldn't be worth a post, but all the information on how to do this is pretty scattered and difficult to follow. So, I figured I would contribute by trying to making this all a bit clearer.

This project is fairly advanced. You must be comfortable with working with microcontrollers. Several simpler devices such as the Arduino or the Basic Stamp may work, but I used the 18F4550 PIC Microcontroller which provides built-in full-speed USB capabilites. But first, let talk about the PixArt camera:

Here's the pinout thanks to kako and a PCB picture. The Reset pin is active low, so use a pullup resistor to Vcc. The Wiimote runs the camera with a 25Mhz clock, but it also works with a 20Mhz clock so you might get away with fudging this a bit. The I2C communication is fast 400Khz and the slave device address is 0xB0. Most microcontroller development platforms should include I2C communication capabilities. If yours doesn't, get a better dev kit =o). Desoldering the camera can be hard with so many pins. But, careful use of a hot air gun will do the trick. The first part is to initialize the camera over I2C. Here's the pseudo code for initializing to maximum sensitivity (actual CCS C code in comments):

  1. write(hex): B0 30 01
  2. wait 100ms
  3. write(hex): B0 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 90 //sensitivity part 1
  4. wait 100ms
  5. write (hex): B0 07 00 41 //sensitivity part 2
  6. wait 100ms
  7. write(hex): B0 1A 40 00 //sensitivity part 3
  8. wait 100ms
  9. write(hex): B0 33 03 //sets the mode
  10. wait 100ms
  11. write(hex): B0 30 08
  12. wait 100ms

It's still somewhat mysterious to me what all these mean, but in this mess is the sensitivity and mode settings described at Wiibrew. The above code uses the sensitivity setting suggested by inio "00 00 00 00 00 00 90 00 41, 40 00" experssed in the 2nd, 3rd, and 4th message. The wait times are conservatively long. After you initialize, you can now read samples from it:

  1. write(hex): B0 37 //prepare for reading
  2. wait 25us
  3. write(hex): B1 //read request
  4. read 8 bytes
  5. wait 380us
  6. write(hex): B1 //read request
  7. read 4 bytes

This yeilds one sample from the camera containing 12 bytes, 3 for each of the 4 potential points. The format of the data will be the Extended Mode (X,Y, Y 2-msb, X 2-msb, Size 4-bits). The wait timings approximate what the Wiimote does. I've called this routine 1000 times per second without ill effect. Though, I doubt this is actually scanning the sensor and instead is just reporting the contents of an interal buffer. But, people claim 200Hz updates are possible. So, you can use that as a suggestion.

Hooking this up to your microcontroller is pretty straight forward. Give the camera 3.3v power using a voltage regulator, ground, a 20-25Mhz clock, and connect the SDA and SCL lines (don't forget your pull up resistors), and pull up the reset pin.

The CCS C Compiler for the PIC18F4550 includes USB-HID sample code. It's simply a matter of stuffing the data you got from the PixArt camera into the input report buffers for the USB. With this, you could actually create a USB mouse profile and make it control the cursor without any software or drivers at all. If set it up as a full speed device, it's possible to get 1ms reports providing extremely low latency updates. CCS provides relatively affordable PIC programmers as well. Explaining how to set all this up is not within the scope of this post, but it should be plenty to get you started. If you want to make a PCB, you can try ExpressPCB which can get you boards in-hand for as low as $60.

Update 9/6/08: Just a note about the clock. Since my PIC was using a 20Mhz resonator, I just piggy backed the Pixart clock pin off the OSC2/CLKO pin of the PIC which seemed to work fine. Also, Kako has more details (in Japanese) on doing this with an Arduino


Johnny Chung Lee said...

void initPixArtCam3(void)//max from inio

i2c_write(0xB0); i2c_write(0x30); i2c_write(0x01);

i2c_write(0x00); i2c_write(0x00);
i2c_write(0x00); i2c_write(0x00);
i2c_write(0x00); i2c_write(0x00);
i2c_write(0x00); i2c_write(0x90);

i2c_write(0x07); i2c_write(0x00);i2c_write(0x41);

i2c_write(0x1A); i2c_write(0x40);i2c_write(0x00);

i2c_write(0x33); i2c_write(0x03);

i2c_write(0xB0); i2c_write(0x30); i2c_write(0x08);


void readPixArtCam(void){
i2c_write(0xB0); // Device address
i2c_write(0x37); // Data to device

i2c_start(); // Restart
i2c_write(0xB1); // to change data direction
out_data[0]=i2c_read(); // Now read from slave
out_data[1]=i2c_read(); // Now read from slave
out_data[2]=i2c_read(); // Now read from slave
out_data[3]=i2c_read(); // Now read from slave
out_data[4]=i2c_read(); // Now read from slave
out_data[5]=i2c_read(); // Now read from slave
out_data[6]=i2c_read(); // Now read from slave
out_data[7]=i2c_read(0); // Now read from slave


i2c_start(); // Restart
i2c_write(0xB1); // to change data direction
out_data[8]=i2c_read(); // Now read from slave
out_data[9]=i2c_read(); // Now read from slave
out_data[10]=i2c_read(); // Now read from slave
out_data[11]=i2c_read(0); // Now read from slave


dan said...

awesome! now what we need is a cylindrical lens to widen the field of view and we could mount it on top of a short throw projector.

Unknown said...

Hey Johnny,

Is it possible for you to post a schematic of how the crystal should connect to the IR camera?



Ethan Russell said...

Does that camera have hardware tracking as part of the component by it's self? If so, how fast can you get it to track? Are you still limited to the original 100hz over Bluetooth?

Even so, that's a very cool camera. If I can get my hands on a Wii remote at GoodWill (not likely) or something, I will definitely give this a try.

inio said...

The info at WiiBrew is ancient. The Wiimote Project Wiki has much more detailed sensitivity configuration info

Ken said...

I tried your protocol with the Renesas 2377 using I2c.
However, it keeps returning me with 0xFF.

Is there a initialization sequence before i start writing sensitivity, mode or reading?

Does anyone faces the same problem?


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Ruby said...

What could you do with the Fitbit Tracker?

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Unknown said...

HI there like Jianliang i use your code, but i use in a self made board and code in asseembly, and i can only get 255(0xFF) in all responses.

Does some one have any idea of the motive? ps i use a 12Mhz cristal but im almost sure its not the problem.

Federico Baguear said...

Hi Johnny!

Have tried to use the Pixart cam and the accelerometer together?
I mean, its possible to connect the accelerometer directly to a PIC?

Many thanks from Buenos Aires.

Unknown said...

hi BioBaguear i have done this alot of time white pic's

The sensor is only 3 analog output's
bing 2,5v-0G 5v-3G and 0v-(-)3G

heres an exemple

Federico Baguear said...

Ricardo thanks for the information.
I have another question maybe someone knows. Its possible to connect the wiimote directly to the pc via serial? I need to keep a constant sampling rate, so I think that the bluetooth would be a big problem.
Maybe the best its to take out the cam and the accelerometer and make my own device.
What do you think?

Unknown said...

yes thats the best option to the fastest update rate.

Just find yourself a pic whit i2c and 3 analog inputs plus usb. Then ask some samples from the website.

Emilien G said...

Hello !

Amazing work !
Does anybody has schematic of the circuit? (Pixart Cam to USB)

Thank you in advance, contact me at and let's share some experiences ;-)


Unknown said...

Ken, Ricardo, we ran into the same problems. It appears to be solved by asking for location 0x36 instead of 0x37 (and throwing away the first byte) inside the polling loop.

There is no explanation on why 0x37 doesn't work (while it does work in the polling loop for the Wiimote), yet there it is.

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Unknown said...

The schematic would be a great help to everyone looking at doing this :) any chance?



bobster23 said...

Hi all,
Has anyone tried to take apart the accelometers from the wiimate and connect them to a microprocessor. It seems like a waist to open the wiimote and just take apart the cam


Federico Baguear said...

Hi everyone,
I´m still working with the camera.
I was able to get data from the camara with the pic, but I don´t know why I get a constant 00h in the X0 data register.
Do you think that it´s a configurational problem?
I´m using C18 instead of CCS like Johnny did.
Interestingly, X0 its the first data after sending the comand for changing the data direction.

Many thanks in advance.

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Unknown said...

I was able to get it working on my Microchip PIC24FJ64GA002 using the I2C peripheral libraries.

I sent the request command 0x37 as suggested by Johnny Chung Lee and it seemed to work.

I have posted the source code on my website along with a few pictures of problems I encountered:

Hope it helps!

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